Reviews for Well of Hope
Angie chapter 1 . 8/2/2017
Sad but beautifully written. Little Kagome is so cute.
angelicdesire2 chapter 1 . 10/20/2016
hat's off to you. just reading I fell in love with your writing. this story plot is superb. the agony of in tashio and kagome have touched my heart.
mannd1068 chapter 1 . 9/19/2009
Excellent story!
Frog-kun chapter 1 . 1/18/2008
Well, since I enjoyed Hero so much, I decided to review another one of your fics, and I must say, I am impressed. I thought this story was going to be some stupid cliche with Kagome becoming uber powerful and InuPapa falling in love with her. Instead, you've changed the circumstances quite a bit. Kagome is a little eight year-old, so naive, so vulnerable after her father's death,InuPapa is dying, no doubt from the fight with Ryukotsusei. I like how you have made it a prequel and I think, maybe, this could actually have happened as fate's way of preparing Kagome for the troubles that would inevitably happen in the future.

As for your idea of editing Hero... well, this is only my opinion but, yes you can flesh the training in the rain scene out, because it's up to you to make your stories as best as you can make them. But if all else fails, I would keep an original unedited version of the story, in case the expanding didn't turn out the way you wanted it to. It sasy you uploaded that story some years ago, so who knows? Your style could definuitely have changed.

Well, I've rambled on enough here. Bye!
Peppered-Koi chapter 1 . 8/17/2007
Very emotional, Its so cute! _
ojuzu chapter 1 . 4/23/2007
*glomps* Inu-no-Taisho is one of my favorite characters in Inuyasha! This is a wonderful story. Thanks!

ElementIcy chapter 1 . 3/6/2007
Bravo! Bravo!

This truly has a great start, dont forget to update! :D
Kaze Tsukai Kagura chapter 1 . 2/26/2007
Aw...this is so adorable, sad, and comforting. It's like some kind of WAFF story, isn't it? _

And I'm glad Inupapa's in it.

This story was very well-written.

Bye for now,

Orange Memories chapter 1 . 11/25/2006
This is a wonderful,touching story. Inupapa's characterization is excellent and so is young Kagome's. The person you wrote this for sure is lucky.
Invalid1029302 chapter 1 . 10/9/2006
Wow. Your a great writer. o.o That was amazing! I loved it! It was sad, but the true about death. I loved the fact Inu no Taisho was in it too! _
Fenikkusuken chapter 1 . 9/6/2006
Wow... what an awesome take on this 'pairing'! Thank you very much.
DeathBright chapter 1 . 9/2/2006
It was sad and vary hopefull. It made me cry andI am still crying for the 3 people that I know that have gone.
beautiful-illusions13 chapter 1 . 9/1/2006
aw very cute!
Jay FicLover chapter 1 . 9/1/2006
*Sniffle* Shame on you, you made me cry... ;_;

Beautiful story! I give you a 100 out of 10! _
Ouatic-7 chapter 1 . 9/1/2006
You did an awesome job with Kagome and her sorrow over her Dad but trying to be strong. I especially liked "She was starting to get tired of crying."

I also enhjoyed the Sess/Rin reference (I assume it was Sess/Rin?).