Reviews for The Beginning
Happenstance chapter 1 . 6/12/2011
Brilliant, best Ico story there is or ever was.

But I'd love to see it continued!
Griffinmon chapter 1 . 4/14/2008

This story warms the cockles of my heart. It's sweet, endearing, it kicks some ass, and is very well written. Needless to say, I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Great job, mon ami.
JustShotMarvin chapter 1 . 10/29/2006
I will confess, I didn't read the author's notes, but let me put it this way: the minute you got to the fight with the Colossus, I knew where your inspiration came from. (I've watched the trailer for Nico numerous times.) This story is so incredible (I love that Yorda is so adamant about the horse being called Bird XD). You've got a lovely style of writing. You don't need to be too descriptive or wordy to get the reader to understand what you're talking about. That's some serious talent. Fantastic story. (And YAY. YordaxIco. Best coupling EVER.)

Negative Creep chapter 1 . 9/29/2006
Oh my fucking lord.

I always think I'm improving as a writer and my confidence shoots up, up, and away. Then I stumble onto something like this and my words seems as clumsy as a child with a crayon in comparison. God-DAMN. Your language just flows so ... without effort. There's not a stilted sentence or typo or line that reads a bit stumblingly in this entire thing.

There were maybe three other decent Ico fics floating around, and I think yours just topped them all. Bravo. I might as well give up trying, because there's no bloody way I'll ever be able to write anything that even comes close to this. So much love for you.
IceN chapter 1 . 9/11/2006
To describe this story in a emoticon (or...whatever its called) I decribe this story with this one:


That's good, by the way.

One, you put IcoxYorda in it, which is only the BEST. COUPLE. EVER.

Two, it was a little hard to understand at sometimes. Oh well, it was still wonderfully written.

You officially win at life.