Reviews for Thieves, Assassins and Mutants: Part 1
cassirycake chapter 14 . 8/10/2015
I have laughed and cried in this chapter! The LeBeaus are so welcoming to Rogue, its so sweet! Beautifully written!
jpraner chapter 11 . 4/14/2014
"My poor innocent," Remy murmured against her neck as his fingers slowly entered her. "Dis what you want?"

Fucking. Genius.
slightlyxjaded chapter 27 . 12/19/2010
What a great story! I think you set the story up in a clever way. Poor Marius though. I loved the ROMY in much wonderful angst! Your story was quite creative in all aspects. Thanks for writing the story the way you did and I look forward to reading a sequel!
The Scarlet Rose chapter 25 . 10/2/2009
“What?” Remy stood up, enraged at the attempt to run his life. “I was married an’ I ain’ even dere? Don’ I have ta give my consent? How could you let them do dis ta me?"

I just about... DIED laughing when I read this part. I don't know why, since I know it was supposed to be fairly serious, but I think the fact that that has got to be one of the shittiest things you can /possibly/ do to a person just made me laugh so hard I started crying. For serious.

Great story. You really have a great plot and wonderful characterization. I meant to review as I was reading it, but... just kinda didn't. I'm totally going to read part two.

Tonnerre chapter 3 . 8/9/2009
Hmm..interesting. okay, i'm in! Reading on!
Basched chapter 27 . 6/5/2009
Words cannot describe how amazing this story is! I couldn't stop reading it and I must say how brilliantly you made Rogue able to touch Remy! A lot!

I loved it all! A definate favourite!
RedSkippy chapter 27 . 5/7/2009
Great story! Really!
Allleila chapter 27 . 5/5/2009
Ah *sheds a tear* Than you for an amazing story. It was and is awesome. AWESOME. I will now have to end links to everyone I know raving about your amazing story and writing skills. You have a true gift and I am now going to start on part two!
Allleila chapter 24 . 5/5/2009
He's still going to Morocco?


*fumes* *breaks something in anger*
Allleila chapter 18 . 5/5/2009
What? Sabertooth?

Belle. Evil!

Remy I had so much faith in you! I know he did it to help Rouge but how could he *cries hysterically*
Allleila chapter 14 . 5/5/2009
Ah, Thank you. This story is so amazing. I cant describe my love of your story enough aside from ' I cant read fast enough'.
Allleila chapter 12 . 5/5/2009
Awesome chapter again. No I don't want rouge to have to kill Belle even though she is evil.
Allleila chapter 11 . 5/5/2009
All I can say is this: thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you and thank you.
Allleila chapter 8 . 5/5/2009
Ok I have planned to review the story once i got updated but I cant. this story is AMAZING. I mean Gambit is so sexily confident and Rouge is so innocent and sassy. You have a gift. Thank you for the story. *round of applause*
AdriDee chapter 26 . 1/31/2009
wtf! no beatings on HER part? She shoulda socked the living SHIT outta him!
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