Reviews for A Far Off Memory
Marionette of Ancient Relics chapter 1 . 6/2/2019
that was great 10/10
EdeatheDemonFox chapter 1 . 11/1/2012
This was amazing. :w: But the whole thing with Nobody Zack made me cry. You should really make a sequel to this where Cloud and Leon talk.
Artificially Faked chapter 1 . 12/5/2010
Simply amazing.
pichu10176 chapter 1 . 10/7/2009
nice story.. makes me wanna cry cause u no, zack...
spiralgal chapter 1 . 4/26/2009
Ah. Such a gentle ending. I love the way you portrayed the two relationships, and Cloud's feelings about them. And Leon. I love the way you did Leon's reactions. It's just so fulfilling... OK, I now that's a weird word to say, but I want something along the lines of gentle, but that's not the right word. It's like it's calm, but at the same time it's not, because that just isn't a word to use for it...

Anyways, loved it. Ja ne.
Erisis chapter 1 . 4/13/2008
Let me start off by saying that you do not get the credit you deserve.

This is one of the only well-written Kingdom Heart's fanfic's I have read which is 1) centered around Cloud 2) does not bucher his past or pretend it never happened and 3) defines the Cloud/Leon relashonship in such a subtle yet meaningful way.

I just finished Crisis Core, and reading this, even though it was made before the game was created-its bliss.

Cloud and Zack are perfect, from the nick-name to the little memorys' they share between eachother. I was outraged when I saw only thirteen review's. I know one-shots tend to be under-reviewed, but this one didnt need a continuation. It was short, to the point, and done with beauty. I can't picture it any other way.

I'm sad though, becuse I read your little memo on your bio and, I doubt I will ever see another Kingdom Heart's or Final Fantasy fic from you again. Do you have a live Juranl page were you post them, if you still write for them?

I read Like Ghost's in snow and the sequal, which I plan to review-now that I have an account-and I fear that Angel's must rise has been discontinued.

Like I said, your are not given the credit you deserve. It's a real tragedy, to me at least, that great authers like you get little reconition while the most mundain and poorly written fic's out there get tons.

Please, if there is somewhere you post new fic's, let me know. I absolutly adore your work, and re-read it often, just to brighten my mood.
vincents1lover chapter 1 . 10/27/2007!WA*sobs* I LOVE IT!Yuffie tried to make it better, funny. I love this story!
Tsumiden chapter 1 . 2/7/2007
wow I lobve Zack i wich he hadn't died in the game poor leon though and cloud great fic
NilanTiff chapter 1 . 12/28/2006
OMG! OMG! OMG! OMG! OMG! OMG! OMG! OMG! This story was beautiful! It made me CRY! I mean seriously! My Mom even came in to ask me what was wrong! I love ZackxCloud and I love LeonxCloud! I never could decide which one I liked more and I always wonderd what would happen if Zack somehow came back! MAN! I'm STILL crying as I read write this review! I AM SO GONNA ADD YOU TO MY FAVORITES LIST! Do you know how much you ROCK! GOD! Do not EVER lose that awesome talent of yours! _
JuSt-My-dElUsIoN chapter 1 . 12/19/2006
heh, congratulation: you just managed to bring my two fav pairings into one fic...yay! xD

but thats not the point (really?) Your story is so well written, the charas, all the scenarize! Amazing!

the hole idea for the plot is, too, just great (I thought of some ways to bring zack into a kh-fic, too)

well... I love the end. great Oneshot Fic!

Keep it up!
rabid behemoth chapter 1 . 10/13/2006
Oh man, I'm not even a huge Zack fan, but that...that was touching. It made my eyes water. ::sniffles:: And the way Zack died reminded me so much of how Axel went...oh no, now I'm all emotional again...! T_T
dragon knight ryushi chapter 1 . 9/20/2006
this is soo god

i almost cried at the end *sniff*

i love this story so much

u should write more
Blitz-Sora chapter 1 . 9/11/2006
*speechless* )
oh hey asdfklj chapter 1 . 9/6/2006
Aw, that so gorgeous. And a great idea for a fic. The description of Leon's kiss was ridiculously beautiful. It conveyed so much feeling and pleasure and perfection of moment. Aw, they're so damn good together. Loved the ending. I really can't explain how in love I am with the way you write them...Well, I guess I could say that my whole evening has been spent on your fanfics. I hope you're happy! Whatever, I know I sure am. Seriously, it's not even about some instance of high romance or some grand gesture, but somehow it's the greatest, sweetest relationship ever. I mean, I've read a million obviously romantic fics, but this is so much better. So realistic. I want that! Wow, haha, it totally makes glad for every broken relationship I've ever had. Because they totally didn't live up to anything like this, even with all the tension of Zack coming back. Haha, but it makes me sad to think that I'll probably never have that sort of relationship. Leon and Cloud are just so perfect for each other. Wow, I'm such a loser. It's just, your writing has turned me all to mush. I wish I could write like this...I can't even fathom where your ideas came from though...or how you manage to convey so much love without putting them in some ridiculously sappy situation. Anyway, I should get off the freaking computer...So, once again, beautiful, touching story. Great job.
Morrigain chapter 1 . 8/12/2006
This is such a great fic. Just lovely. The kissing Leon is like the walk home after a battle line just tugged on my heartstrings.
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