Reviews for Once in Motion
PatriciaS chapter 16 . 6/19/2007
Oh yes love that one, it has a beautiful tension to it and I guess you are going to leave it up to us to end the story. So of course she is successful and comes back for him. Thanks for sharing.
Bekki chapter 15 . 2/12/2007
*giggles* thats SO Jack! Loved it!
Bekki chapter 14 . 2/4/2007
That last line made me smile! this chapter was very interesting, angsty, but in a sweet, happy kind of way...I didn't even think that was possible. Maybe it's because we know...or at least assume that he will wake up...that's the great thing about drabbles, no aftermath is needed.

Anyway, once again, a moving chapter! I hope there are plenty more!
Bekki chapter 13 . 1/26/2007
oh, now THAT was so cute! Love the last line - classic!

and good work on not apologising for the particularly angsty chapters! I know I already reviewed that last one, but I have to say again how great I thought it was. Very true to Stargate can actually see it happening! So to hell with it, bring on the angst!
Leilina chapter 13 . 1/25/2007
LOL! I admit to being guilty of reading a lot and not reviewing much. Mainly because I never know what to say! ;-) I love these though, and I would NEVER want to hurt you! You might stop writing! LOL
LuSo chapter 12 . 1/19/2007
Ouch! I really don't like that chapter. Don't get me wrong it has been incredible writing throughout, i just really don't like angst and this chapter was gutwrenching. They should be together.
Kaytee33 chapter 12 . 1/18/2007
Your writing style is beautiful! Almost poetic, I can tell you've chosen every word very charefully. AND you capture everything about these two perfectly! Favourite chapter: the dog tag one. I'm still hoping on that one haha :)

Anyways, great job, I really look forweard to reading more of your stuff!
SilverAngel99 chapter 12 . 1/18/2007
These are all very sweet little things, I love them. Looking forward to more :-)
Ellie 5192 chapter 7 . 1/17/2007
This one was very sad! I love them all.
SJAuthor chapter 12 . 1/17/2007
SJAuthor chapter 3 . 1/17/2007
Hee, hee :)
Bekki chapter 12 . 1/17/2007
that was fantastic! very realistic! Sad though...

Great work!
VisualIDentificationZeta chapter 12 . 1/17/2007
there are times when I regret reading a fic cause it depresses me badly. this was one of those times.
Nicovera chapter 11 . 1/16/2007
Amazing! I love how well you've captured both Sam and Jack. Excellent pieces, please continue! :)
PatriciaS chapter 11 . 1/8/2007
Interesting picture ... I'm assuming Daniel makes the telling remark and Jack's still out of it. Of course it would be lovely to know what Sam had been saying or doing to the other woman. Thanks for the others as well hope there are more to come.
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