Reviews for Second Sky
cyberangle chapter 2 . 8/16/2010
the dr. sounds really ugly

it seems like Hikaru fell in love with Kaoru

it alsp seems like Kaoru has been in love with Hikaru
FreeBelovedArmy chapter 2 . 9/7/2009
umm, it's a good story but i don't understand why it's rated M or the ending either. but whatever, goodjob
gaarasninjachick chapter 2 . 7/8/2009
*mew* they r soo cute together!
Amy chapter 2 . 12/23/2007
This is an amazing fan fic! It is extremely well written, and it certainly keeps the reader entertained. You have used interesting and wonderfully descriptive words and the plot is so awsome! I love OHSHC and out of all the Hikaru/ Kaoru fan fics that I have read so far, yours is the best.
Sceans chapter 1 . 10/12/2007
Awsome! Funny! Terrificly written! Completly enjoyable to read! I really really really really like it!
Margherita chapter 2 . 9/7/2007
this is a very good fic. please update soon
Apeuree A Etre Seul chapter 2 . 7/24/2007
I hope you update soon!
foxy crimefighta chapter 2 . 6/21/2007
This is perfect! I love how you portray Hikaru & Kaoru's characters, it's just amazing. I hope you update soon, it has been a while!
MorganEAshton chapter 2 . 6/11/2007
Ooh, the suspense. Not action-ey suspense (I'm so eloquent), but emotional suspense. Gorgeously done fic, and I'd definitely read more. :D
i-see-faeries chapter 2 . 4/6/2007
Interesting. Very interesting. I think this story has potential. Keep it up.
Dark Magician Girl Hikaru chapter 2 . 3/20/2007
Ooh this is very intriguing. And you haven't updated in 5 MONTHS? xD (Like I'm one to talk...) But seriously, I do look forward to reading more of this. I love how you describe their silent communication with each other.

pinkdiamonde chapter 2 . 3/13/2007
Ohohohoho I simply cannot wait to see what would happen next...though I think I may have several ideas... XD

Lol, I was cackling with glee when I got to the end of the chapter!
xxlight-kitsune-chanxx chapter 2 . 3/10/2007
Jaa! This story is ABSOULTLY AMAZING! *bows* Keep up the awsome work!
Jacof-alltrades chapter 2 . 2/28/2007
That was awsome... I loved it!

Fangz of Fire chapter 2 . 1/27/2007
I love the way you write. Sorry for the delay, but a very intriguing chapter indeed.
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