Reviews for Identification Number O04172
CagalliHibikiYulaAthha-Zala chapter 8 . 7/16
i really love reading athrun taking care of Cagalli
CagalliHibikiYulaAthha-Zala chapter 7 . 7/16
aand here i am re reading this amazing story again... good thing you did not ibckude another red hair girl for this fic..
this is a better version of Gsd
Paramyth chapter 6 . 7/3
I re-read this fic after i read the sequel (which is discontinued ehem). I dunno, for me, this is how gundam seed/destiny should be like. If they gonna reboot they can give this plot a try. I don't care if some of the characters are OOC. In fact if the story is great then it's great, despite the OOCness. I hope the upcoming movie is real and the promotion gundam seed received these days is not just for commemoration shits. I hope Cagalli and Athrun are much more mature too.
Paramyth chapter 22 . 7/2
Omg i don't expect you to come up with this ending but i LIKE it i dunno why, i agree, gundam seed is way too cheesy. I prefer this one, much more realistic. Is there any sequel please?
Paramyth chapter 21 . 7/2
I like this, a perfect trainwreck. Glad that you don't do the warm cliched happy ending
Paramyth chapter 20 . 7/2
That was unexpected
Paramyth chapter 19 . 7/2
I like this chapter but i'm surprised by the ending
Paramyth chapter 18 . 7/2
Are Shinn and Cagalli doing the thing? Please no. Although i won't mind but no. But i will be so disappointed if Cags hated Athrun and forgot about him selling the piano to get the vaccine.
Paramyth chapter 17 . 7/2
I KNEW IT, I KNEW that Athrun sold that piano for the vaccine. But 6500 is soooo much it's killing!
AND I DID catch Shinn's feeling sliiiightly but i can't believe it actually happened, he kissed her! Not that i want to complain, in fact I'm 100% here for it!

Anyway this story feels so real now it's 2020 :)
Paramyth chapter 15 . 7/2
The more i read about this the more i feel like this story has yet to end but then i'll continue reading this
Paramyth chapter 10 . 7/2
Oh Shinn is at it again. If only the anime explored Shinn and Cagalli's complicated relationship deeper
Paramyth chapter 8 . 7/2
GOOD MOVE ATHRUN! I liked how this story flows so fucking naturally like a Natural
Paramyth chapter 6 . 7/2
I'll drop my review to convince you that i read this and i like this
Paramyth chapter 5 . 7/2
Oh my god that bastard Kira only had an angelic look but he banged Lacus!
Paramyth chapter 4 . 7/2
Baby, whoever and wherever you are, believe me, you're doing a great job. I love how you captures the racism so well. I chuckled when Cagalli said "not human" when Athrun asked her about which one is Coordinators and Naturals. Right now i can't stop reading.
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