Reviews for To Do One's Duty
LaylanatorXVII chapter 1 . 7/30/2015
I beg you, take up the keyboard as often as you wish, for this is glorious. You characterized them very well. The only thing I thought was...weird...was that you made Lucius so much older than Ivy. I mean, they didn't mention ages in the movie, so that's okay, but I just never thought of him as that much older. A couple years, maybe. *shrug* Not a big deal.
I loved it! Favoriting it! Thanks for writing. :-)
Annie chapter 1 . 5/22/2011
Beautiful story! Ivy and Lucius spot on and brilliantly told.
hopeisabluebird chapter 1 . 8/3/2009
Oh my goodness, this is absolutely beautiful - so thought-provoking and wonderfully understated emotionally. It's magnificent writing - very deep.
Starsy Skye chapter 1 . 8/26/2007
This...this almost made me cry. Beautiful! Bravo! You captured Lucius' thoughts and feelings wonderfully. *applauds*
it takes a village chapter 1 . 8/30/2006
This story was exceedingly well-written, and exactly the kind of thing that I was looking for when I came into the Village category, seeking out fresh reads. Very enjoyable; well done!
LanieV chapter 1 . 8/27/2006
That was really sweet and well done. I especially loved the ending, where he watched he go off to play with Noah, knowing that one day she would be his. I didn't think they were actually 10 years apart in age though. Hm. Great job.
JealousOfTheMoon chapter 1 . 8/2/2006
Again, I love the relationship you have between Lucius and Ivy! The conflict there is just superb. It's all so confusing, and yet it all makes sense! Lucius is perfect: he understands what he's doing, and yet he doesn't...and Ivy doesn't understand what's going on, and yet she does.

(I hope you understand all that up there. If you don't, I'm not surprised. 'Tis all very hard to explain in a review what you've done in a story.)

Admittedly, I didn't picture Ivy and Lucius as being that far apart age-wise. At the most I've thought of 7 years, but generally I've envisioned them as being 4-6 years apart. I suppose that hasn't come up in my stories yet, but I'll have to deal with it soon enough. Any suggestions and/or reasons behind your ages?