Reviews for Harry Potter and the Locked Room
nayin1704 chapter 32 . 8/18/2016
hitesh chapter 1 . 9/14/2015
Well did you know you could not apparate from 4 Privet Drive due to wards.
Cassandra30 chapter 1 . 10/17/2012
gauravmittal2 chapter 32 . 2/16/2010
Bluey G chapter 32 . 3/31/2009
A fantastic novel. Took me ages to read all 32 chapters though! It kept me gripped and keep on writing.

Sorry its outdated but i only just found it!

Great story and a great author.

Finished it at 12pm when i am in school at 7 30

Alpha 100
Kei-nii-sama chapter 1 . 9/18/2008
a really good story i enjoyed it

wanna be friends do u have msn
becklenay chapter 32 . 9/3/2008
Just finished reading your fic. The first twenty-odd chapters were okay, but a bit rushed. The last few have been much, much better! The addition of transitions and additional discriptions slowed the pace down and made it flow perfectly.

And BTW, if the last chapter was really writen before you read DH - your take on the graves (Moody, Lupin, Tonks) was worthly of Treylawney's ancestor!
cdunn2010 chapter 32 . 8/2/2008
GREAT. That idea sounds fantastic, I know I would read it.
omgiwantthisaccounttogoaway chapter 32 . 7/29/2008
im very sad that i didnt read this before deathly hallows-it would have helped me go through the treacherous year in between half blood prince, and eased the pain. im suprised at how much was similar to deathly hallows! like tonks, lupin, and colin. also that snape was fighting on his own team for his own causes, rather than specifically for one side. i enjoyed this story and i think you are a talented author. keep up the good work!

omgiwantthisaccounttogoaway chapter 17 . 7/29/2008
but i thought peeves is a good guy behind all the pranks! in the 5th he helped fred and george, so i highly doubt he would help the death eaters instead. :-( i liked peeves.

PadfootProngs7 chapter 32 . 7/26/2008
Aw, that was great! I read it all today! Ha ha, forty-eight minutes until Deathly Hallows come out... :P I was so scraed Ginny had died though! Well, great story!

Allergic-To-Sunlight chapter 32 . 7/22/2008
Wow! This was such a good story - read it all it one day, my friend! Loved the part in this (the last) chapter when you gave the impression that Ginny had died - I was like 'No! Ginny can't die!'. I look pretty stupid now... XD

Question time (!): Is this what you imagined DH to be like, or were you just exploring the possibilities of what such a book could hold? Is this what you wanted DH to be like? Were you disappointed with JK's version compared to your own? Sorry, I know I'm asking a lot of questions - I just really want to know what you thought of the actual book, compared to the one you wrote!

You got most of the deaths spot-on though, didn't you! - apart from Mr and Mrs Weasley, which I am so glad about - I cannot cope with they're death! :(

Wondering if you're male or female (I just can't tell with you)...

rbackwards chapter 32 . 6/12/2008
Great ideas concerning the Veil and the horcruxes. I'll have to re-read the story to make sense of the time-travel bit, but who cares, it was exciting. I was sorry to see all of the adults important to Harry killed, but it's your world, not mine.

Your writing took quite a journey from the start. If I may suggest, I think you need a beta for spell-checking and fragments of sentences. Also, I found your writing very effective during the death of Wormtail. The only thing that bothered me was the use of the word "globs" - in the midst of a crystal-clear and well-worded slowed-time description of the sword penetrating, that word stood out as maybe a little goofy.

Now I'm looking to see if you did your what-if story - I like the idea. Thank you for sharing this story with everyone, and please write more!
rbackwards chapter 23 . 6/11/2008
Now that I see the point behind you getting them into the Ministry it still seems like it was a last-minute idea to get you out of a plot problem... maybe more of a hint as to Harry's motivations would have been good. But anyway, this is long since completed and much longer than anything I've done, and quite an achievement I should say. I wouldn't have said anything if I hadn't been drawn in to the story. Thanks for writing.
rbackwards chapter 21 . 6/11/2008
I have to say, having read through this for a while, that your style had been changing for the better. That's a good thing. I think the bad thing is that you don't seem focussed on the story anymore. You killed Arthur and Molly for no reason I can see; set up a situation that implied that if Ginny were taken she'd be abused by Death Eaters in a way beyond just the Crucio curse and then dropped that; and now have your two main characters marching off to get jobs like nothing is going on - as if the mark of success in this world is going along with the establishment. Harry and his friends are supposed to be revolutionaries in their way, not good upstanding citizens, and I don't get that Harry's working from the inside from what you've written - only that he's getting something he's always wanted, for a price. It seems like you've lost your stomach for the reality of the situations you've set up and are now partially leaning towards a "when Harry met Ginny" sort of story, with Harry in a button-down Ministry-pleasing job and Ginny hugging him enthusiastically at mock duels. Sure, Harry's always wanted to be an Auror in many of these stories, but this just seems like you got rid of Ginny's parents so she could stay with him and then granted his wish to be a cop. It's very hard to take it seriously. I know it's also very hard to manage a world you have created - I have the same issues - but maybe a little more attention to consequences that you have set up would be in order.
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