Reviews for The Past that was Meant to be Forgotten
oakgem217 chapter 1 . 1/23/2015
Some constructive criticism: Show, don't tell. I noticed how in certain parts of the story you just kind of put whatever was going on out there. That makes the story much more boring. Instead of saying that a hallway was empty, say that (character) heard nothing but the echoes of thier feet against the floor
tploy chapter 6 . 12/18/2011
I take it you forgot about the face that the Warriors have 3 access points from the Kadic Campus. Their Main Access: the manhole cover in the "Park" on the School Grounds, Their Secondary Access: the Boiler Room in the Gymnasium Complex, And their Terciary Access: the exterior basement Door Access at the Hermitage in the Park across from the Campus. AKA Aileta's Real Home with Franz. Although it is true they can in an emergency get to the Factory from any manhole cover in the city just navigating the subterranian sewer system to get there.
LordVurtax chapter 1 . 6/27/2010
NostalgicDaydream chapter 37 . 9/5/2008
AAH, NOES! Everyone's DEAD! Well, the two most important people. She lost her MIND! Odd's dead, she's probably dead, and now Aelita's going to die since they never fixed the virus! NOES! WHYS? MY GRAMMAR IS INCORRECT! TOO EMOTIONAL! *Hides in corner, crying, occasional 'noes'*
NostalgicDaydream chapter 15 . 9/5/2008
...Intense, angsty chapter... what Xenon did was kinda stupid... sure, people get really sad. They hear abotu cutting or whatever, and they try it. Sometimes it becomes an addiction to them. Don't ask me how I know. (Don't worry, person I don't know, it's not me) 3
NostalgicDaydream chapter 14 . 9/5/2008
Ha, love the chappie title. Why? Why did you have Odd be Sissy's 57th? Oh, well, your story. YES! HAVE HER FORGIVE HIM! random.
NostalgicDaydream chapter 6 . 9/5/2008
English subtitles ROCK! Oh, and I'm glad you didn't actually kill Xenon. *Gasp* While writing this review, and thinking about your story, you gave me an idea! Unintentionally, I presume. But... whatever! Rock on, girlie/boy...lie. Lol. Random.
NostalgicDaydream chapter 5 . 9/5/2008
Da da da da-da-da, da-da-da... Cool, until you KILLED XENON! Joking. But still. Nice. 3
MidniteHearts chapter 6 . 4/23/2008
I'm loving this story the more I read, but could you plz explain to me where Xenon came from exactly or how she was created. I'm still a little confused.
MidniteHearts chapter 1 . 4/23/2008
This was an excellent chapter. Not many people would take the time to actually write out a full battle scene; they'd just be too lazy. Anyway good job.
Ry and Megas Ketchum chapter 26 . 9/15/2007
Megas:Ding,dong the witch is dead!...RY:SHUT THE H-E-L-L UP!(Long silence)Ry:Why where you singing that?Megas:Idon't !Ry:O-k?...Anyway...GREAT STORY!
anon chapter 1 . 8/21/2007
Sorry for misspelling it last time. Could you please erase it? I don't want other people to ue it. Thanks.
Guest chapter 17 . 8/21/2007
Where did you get Yanu from? He's my main RP charrie on a lot of sites...
Emerald Gaze chapter 42 . 8/16/2007
thank u so much for writing this! it was the best code lyoko fic i've ever read!..especially since i dont read many! but that makes it even better cause it caught my attention enough to read it!...!oh and luved it u are an awsome writer and i cant wait for u to write more stuff (lik odd's b-day and such) besides that this was so awsome it definitly made it to my favs!_!
Emerald Gaze chapter 29 . 8/14/2007
...ok where the HELL did she get a second cellphone! xana crushed her cell into millions of little peices...and then she sudenly whips out a second one! really what was with that! i mean seriously...but any way i do practically luv this story!_!
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