Reviews for It's Better to Have Loved and Lost
Katastrophic Katastrophe chapter 59 . 12/29/2017
Okay, I know you probably will never read this review, cause of obvious reasons, but your story is AMAZING! You are a WONDERFUL author, and I sincerely hope you choose to continue your writing. This is probably one of the best stories I’ve found, and I LOVED how you didn’t just stop after 70k words; you continued on, adding more problems and such, and YOUR STORY IS AWESOME! This has probably been enough from me though. I hope you have a great life!
harrypotter715 chapter 47 . 6/23/2016
after James cheated on lily by kissing Marlene TWICE he does not deserve to go back to her
Babymac chapter 59 . 7/26/2015
Oh, and, I would just like to say your writing improved tremendously throughout the story. At first it was a little rough and I wasn't going to continue reading, but I told myself to give it a couple of chapters because I could tell you had done really unique ideas and I was curious about how they would play out. I'm glad I stayed!
Babymac chapter 60 . 7/26/2015
I was crying at the end! I don't cry!
To answer your questions;
I'm impressed that Severus had the balls to do it, though not really surprised that he would.
I think it was the best decision but still really sad that she had to leave James.
I want it to but something tells me it won't.
I love it, it's so sweet! I really hope their wedding goes off without a hitch!
I'm not sure how to feel about Teddy. I really hope it's a real change but I didn't like him to begin with, even though he was basically James to the extreme.
As I said, I was crying! It was so sad! I think it'll cause a rift between everyone. The death of an important family member often does, I mean jut look at Lily's family! But I hope it just a brings them together. I hope it doesn't affect the boys too badly at the academy and Lily at the institute.

So when are James and Lily going to actually get married? Hm?
Babymac chapter 33 . 7/24/2015
My favorite was "I have never had fleas" I literally burst out laughing!
Guest chapter 60 . 6/1/2015
I love your story. It's really well written. I noticed that you hadn't updated I a while. Are you still working on this story?
Nalissa Patali chapter 60 . 4/20/2015
I love you story but I don't know why it just ended.
MemorialFantasy chapter 60 . 7/8/2014
Hello! I don't often review, but I'll make an exception. I started reading this story shortly after you put it up. This, and Lily The Waitress are two of my Top Ten Fanfics of all time. Please update. This story is fantastic, and the thought you have put into the plot and character development is astounding. I beg of you, update.

Forever reading,

Guest chapter 60 . 2/23/2014
First i wanna say that im reading dis in 2014 and read all 60 chapters im sorry if i never reviewed before it was just too exciting and i just wanted to know wat happened next.
Wat i thought about snape is that i liked the fact that he rescued him. Im glad that frank and allice are getting engaged im soo sad that chris died i think that siri and marls suit each other and should stay together and have a son together i hope that james and lily will get their happy ending
It seems like u have given up on this story i dont want that to happen i hope u update soon coz i really wanna know what happens next plz update soon
LilyEvansxox chapter 1 . 7/3/2013
JadedLights07 chapter 60 . 6/28/2013
omg so amazing! i hope you update soon.. and btw, i am totally MarlenexSirius shipping atm, pleas make them last 3333
Member-of-the-SlugClub chapter 60 . 9/17/2012
Great Chapter! Update When you can!
ShiningBlue chapter 60 . 8/1/2012
Really, really liked your story!
It's well written and your're creative about the plot, a great story to read:)

(On a side note; bear in Swedish is "björn", "bära" is the verb of it. Nothing much but

Looking forward to an update!
ISSTIAUTNG chapter 60 . 7/17/2012
I believe Severus rescuing Lily was the only sensible escape for her. He was the only one who knew where she was, and cared about her. The consequences of his actions (the healer being killed in retribution) also makes sense. It was a dire situation with dire results.
Albus wanted to give Lily a sense of purpose to help her heal. Lily wouldn't want to lie/sit around until she was able to help the Order again, and working on her degree was something tangible for her to work on.
Raising a child together and depending on one another encourages emotional attachment, so it's logical for Sirius and Marlene to get together again. It could easily last, but it could crumble apart worse than before.
Frank wanted to reassure Alice that he is dedicated to her, and seeing her disappointment and despair over the jewelry box moved him to give her concrete evidence that he loves her. It makes sense for Frank and Alice to have the stability of marriage during these tumultuous times.
I believe Teddy is going through shock, as Lily described, but time will tell whether this is a permanent coping technique for him. Her capture certainly had an impact on his life.
Christopher was old, yes, but he died with pride, surrounded by those who he loved and who loved him. His family will miss him, but they've already had some time to come to grips with him leaving them.
I am enchanted by your story, and eagerly await the next chapter!
Ms.Snape1504 chapter 60 . 6/21/2012
About Severus' rescue, I think it was really sweet and reflected his inner soul which later on as in the books is shown to be protective of the only person he ever loved. And the fact that he got someone killed because of that, it isn't that shocking or new since that is Severus, he is a true slytherin. To do anything he can for the people he loves, even get rid of a life.

I didnt like Albus' decision of sending Lily away, as plain as that.

Sirius and Marlene are meant to be together, I hope you get them ,married in the end. :P

Frank and Alice are perfect. The proposal was too cute and I actually chuckled a bit too along with the surrounding aurors. ;)

I do not like Teddy's re appearance.

I cried at Christopher's death! Like really. It was so sad and i felt the pain!
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