Reviews for Fall of Rain
Mathlete chapter 21 . 8/23/2016
Well crap. I did not realize this was incomplete. Please add to it. It's good.
amaia chapter 21 . 1/9/2015
I totally lost myself in your fantastic story. ... please try to finish it, even if it has to be a very short 2nd epilogue. Thx for the entertainment.
nononononofricknononono chapter 1 . 1/7/2015
You, my friend, are a genius!
cutie.m383 chapter 21 . 9/19/2014
This was ABSOLUTELY amazing. I really love this. This is a masterpiece. Really, well done. It was beautiful. I mean, you should earn an medal and a diploma! So good, the suspense was making me obsessed with the story. I was sweating and nearly crying at the end of every single chapter. I wish I could write like you. You're my idol. Thank you for your existence.
All best and love,
Mila :)
Guest chapter 21 . 10/3/2013
i really love this story, it's awesome. are you going to finish it?
karlii chapter 3 . 1/20/2013
great! don't remember if I reviewed before, but I'll know shortly.

Good suspense.. lots of angst and good build up of clues...
Guest chapter 21 . 12/27/2012
An amazingly well written story with wonderfully portayed characters. I really got sucked into this - thanks!
Princess of the Dark Riku chapter 21 . 3/12/2012
Wow I am impressied! I hate chapter fics. I'm a drabble person. But this was amazing! I love the flow. It didn't seem like a chapter fic, more like an episode!

Of course there are some things I'd like changed. Like I would see Gibbs take more control of the situation cause I can't really see him sitting back and letting the FBI holding back. And when he first didn't contact the FBI or anyone else in the beginning of the story, it really shocked me. I love the character interactions though! It's quite nice. Just now in the end, I find it a bit over kill to give Amnesia to Abby. With everyone having all these problems, it's like just adding on the problems for these guys. Of course I love the realism of the whole story, it's just some things like how overly powerful the bad guys were, how they seemed to completely and utterly beat up Ducky, Abby, Tony and Kate. It just seems again overkill. Oh and Tony's pirate jokes? Classic XD

books-n-cookies chapter 21 . 5/1/2010
This story is so good. I really hope you end up putting the last chapter up! This entire story has been so incredible to read. Your writing is so good! I felt like I was with them in the story. Awesome job with this story! I really hope you post the last part!
dormantfire chapter 1 . 11/11/2009
very well-written! and a good story! yay!

but please


finish it? please?

i want my happ(ier) ending.

also, is the title a reference to the song from Les Miserables?

because i love that song.

XenoKosMos chapter 21 . 9/11/2009
PLEASE come back and finish this story! Only one chapter T_T. And it's such a good story too. PLEASE TT_TT!
Samantha7425 chapter 21 . 8/17/2009
Oh my God, this story is awesome! Sad and suspenseful and AWESOME. Oh, I hope everyone goes back to normal! Poor, poor Team Gibbs.
diana teo chapter 13 . 8/13/2009
So many things to comment on...Your style of writing is a joy to read,a cohesive mix of vivid prose and punctuative varying length in the lines also helps to propel the story forward and the tension is palpable and gripping!The team's emotions and reactions feel so real that it makes it quite difficult to be a witness to their pain and 've also managed to inflict some most serious and original whumpage I have seen in a long time onto the team! (I don't think Tony's ever been hung before and that was certainly the shot of Gibbs' life).Kate and Tony huddled togather and still managing some banter was heart-wrenching and I love your idea of Tim being the sand in the baddies' works and instrumental in saving his team-mates.
reader chapter 21 . 7/21/2009
so good! i might cry if you dont finish it! please!
Brooklyn Maxwell chapter 21 . 7/4/2009
Please update soon... at least I'm not threatening to eat you lol.
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