Reviews for The Pirate Wedding
jinjyaa chapter 9 . 5/25/2009
(from an email from methos)

I like the point that (apart from rulers and police forces) "wealthy criminals" were collecting the (plastic) "Justice"-posters. It has a nice, authentic ring to it.
hearmelaugh chapter 12 . 9/28/2008
The friendly (and not so friendly) family bickering was a thousand kinds of adorable! Shouri truly is a lovable, affable, clueless dolt, and should praise any deities he knows of that Gwen didn't knock his head of. Three cheers for Manfred and Celi, for being such a darling couple. The idea of Yuuri keeping the politically-incorrect photo as long as his reign was poignant and pretty, and Wolfram being Wolfram at the end ended the story really well.

Wolfram von fucking Bielenfeld. Heh.
hearmelaugh chapter 11 . 9/28/2008
manfred's really a well-constructed character. What a sad, sad man he is, but how wonderful that he keeps going on despite all the pain and disappointment. Little wonder his sons are as amazing as they are
hearmelaugh chapter 8 . 9/28/2008
things that i found most amusing this chapter:

-Wolfram being so absolutely amazing and serious and wonderful with Efram before the battle. "See you on the other side" ought to be trademarked

-Shouri being all eager and useless XD "Yep, we need a couple of them thar water dragons, right now, yep yep"

-Cheri blasting warehouses and people to get to her child. It's a wonderful show of an avenging mother, something that's rarely attributed to Celi

-Angry Gisela. Just because she's lovely that way
hearmelaugh chapter 7 . 9/28/2008
it's not that the readers don't care, it's just that your arcs are so EPIC, it takes time and concentration to appreciate XD

Aldrich is one hell of a tactical planner! And the sugar in tea bit... That was inspired. I think the dialogue you prepare for Manfred is brilliant. He's scathingly witty!
hearmelaugh chapter 5 . 9/28/2008
-to hell with the kingdom, they would save their mothers-

Yuuri and Wolfram are such utter mama's boys XD I feel very sorry for the rest of the Shibuya men. And I don't really understand the sponsor thing Manfred's doing. Except for Efram, Wolfram and Deirdra's child, none are his, is it?
Yanagi-sen chapter 12 . 7/2/2008
That was awesome. I'm really enjoying this storyline you have going here. Thank you for sharing.
SongbirdSarah chapter 12 . 1/31/2008
ME ENCANTA! (which means i love if you dont speak spanish .) i waited until i was done to reply and i loved this! great job!

anna chapter 12 . 1/12/2008
hey jinjyaa

ur story was pretty good though i dont think the title was entirely appropiate towards the end of your magnificent story ;)Your fanfic was enjoyable to read and pretty much cured my boredom. If you do write another story that you want help proof reading or just read, just email me ok? it seems like i dont do much anymore so i'll be more than happy to read your stories xD Oh and do write more D for people who are lazy like me, we need super talented people like you to amuse us, if only for a moment ;]
Tati-ai chapter 12 . 8/27/2007
really sweet story. Gisela and Murata was an unexpected pairing, but not outlandish so I'll go with it. I could see them together

Bob, Maou of earth, ages strangely. He hadnt aged a day in the 15 years between when he first met Conrad, and that thing with box. Since he probably has the same heritage as Yuuri, does that mean Yuuri could do that too? He probably couldnt slow aging to the lifespan of a full mazoku, probably just half like Conrad, until he trains a successor like Bob did.

Just an idea that I've been throwing around to some fanfic writers .
Nejisangel69 chapter 12 . 4/15/2007
AWESOME! i loved it! can you write more? plz?
Wiz7 chapter 12 . 8/22/2006
may i just say... wow. The depth you managed in that story! I absolutely ADORE your writing style, and I am unsure as to whether or not I've reviewed any of your other stories or the name under which I might have done so. I have read them all. And I do love them all. PLEASE pleasepleaseplease do not end this story here. I would love to see more, but then again if you're tired of it I guess I could deal.

Or just keep reviewing until you decide to do more. And if you do decide to do more, PLEASE do not limit yourself to one plotline. This story had so many elements to it that I found myself guessing at all the mighta-shoulda-coulda's that led you to your conclusions ;). It was refreshing in a way that I rarely find in books these days, nevermind fanfiction. I would also like to apologize for my absence in reviewing. It was amusing and thought provoking and so much more and I should have done so many times before now.

I'll try to stop prattling on now. Really I will. But you have me in almost full-blown fan-girl mode. It would be full-blown were it not so late at night.

Thank you very much, and I hope to read more of your wonderful artwork soon!
Schnickledooger chapter 12 . 8/21/2006
1)Growing up with Phoebs-so thats why Manny's so withdrawn, eh? Evil ole hag!

2)*“I love you, Manfred Lord Bielenfeld. There’s no one left to forbid us to marry. You’re not even too young for me anymore – you’re old enough that it doesn’t matter. Marry me, Manfred.”* YES! MARRY HER, MANNY! MARRY HER!

3)*A number of emotions chased themselves across his face, happiness among them, doubt also strong in the mix. “…Why, Cheri?”* WHY?:smacks Manny:CUZ YOU LUV HER AND SHE LUVS YOU. YA IDIOT! *MEN*! SO-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O DENSE!

4)*Manfred chuckled darkly. “Conrad and Gwendal will hate this.”* laughs along with him evily: MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Yes, they will, Manny. Yes, they will! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

5)*“Cecilie,” Manfred greeted her. As soon as they were in reach, they slapped each other on the face simultaneously and shared a hug. “Wolfram, Efram, Yuuri…”“Conrad, Gwendal…” added Cheri. “Manfred and I have decided to get married.”* I love that image there. I wanna draw it X3!

6)*As Manfred predicted, Conrad and Gwendal looked… dubious. They hugged both Cheri and Manfred, less than enthusiastically.* What? That's it? No vehement protests and hand gestures that say "I'm gonna be watchin' you" and "You're dead"? No fainting and gasps of horror? No pure terror being struck into their hearts of vision of billions of mini Bielefields just like Wolfram running around? Dang, there's another picture I vividly see and wanna draw. I shall call it "The Brothers' Worst Nightmare"! HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE!

7)*Shouri muttered to himself, “It’s no wonder Wolfram turned into a, a seducer of my innocent little brother, raised by a hussy like that.”Gwendal, directly behind him, said, “What did you call my mother?”Shouri spun in horror. “Ah, um… I didn’t mean…”“We should stop this before someone draws blood,” suggested Wolfram.* NO! NO! DARN IT, WOLFRAM! IT WAS JUST GETTIN' GOOD!

8)*Snagged by others along the way, Shouri ended up taking other posed shots while the children patiently waited under Efram’s supervision. “Come on, Frieda, you can say it. ‘Chichiue’, and ‘Wimpue’. Ch-CHU-way, u-WIMP-u-way.”Greta giggled. “Chewy,” Frieda eventually managed. “Wimpy.”“Excellent, Frieda! Oh, so you’re so smart!”* Wait, so *Shouri* encouraged the baby to say Wimp? He's making fun of his own brother? I'd have thought he'd be encouraging slanders of Wolfram.

SHOURI: to FRIEDA: Now say "Brat"...say "Sly, sneaky brother-seducing brat".

Of course, it might have been Efram talking. I oculdn't tell, but that makes sense!

9)*Gisela and Wolfram wandered over. Wolfram reached for Bertram just as Gisela, in lovestruck newlywed bliss, came into Murata’s arm and gave him a flamed her.“Wolfram von fucking Bielenfeld!” Gisela hissed. “You taught him to do that!”* Once again, the Giesela thing never tires me! Wonder if her and Mura will have a kid that will join teh rest in future fics-if any said fic happens?

10)*But the one Yuuri loved the best, and felt got the emotional truth down best, politically correct or not, was that first shot. Wolfram and himself, with those four children – three matching blond fire healer demons glowing to the left, and three human and part-Mazoku, of mismatched skin and hair colors, grinning to the right.* Am I catching a hint that you want this pic drawn? Will get on it!:salutes:

GAWD! GREAT STORY! SAD IT'S OVER! But looking forward to other sequels hopefully_~! ONCE AGIN, YOU TOTALLY ROCK AS WRITER!

Lurve Schnickledooger
Schnickledooger chapter 11 . 8/21/2006
ZOMG! I'M *SO* SORRY FOR NOT REVIEWING EARLIER! I haven't been home a lot. And uni starts back this Thursday so life is HECTIC! HECTIC! HECTIC! WAH! WHERE DID SUMMER GO? Ahem, on a brighter note, not only will I be able to scan my fanarts for you-plugs ears to block out shrill excited screaming of author-but I'll also be taking Japanese. YAY! And I can practise how could I'm getting my listening to the Jap version of KKM! HAHA!

Anyway, this chappie, fav parts:

1)*“It’s Shinou,” said Yuuri in wonder.* OMG! R U SIRIUS?( _ )!

No, of course you aren't. He's in Harry Potter! Ahem, pardon terrible unrelated pun-_-;;. Anyway...OMG! AWESOME! I CAN'T BEGIN TO SHARE HOW HAPPY I AM!

2)*“Alone, at last…” Wolfram said, stripping off the top half of his uniform. “Bertram, you need to control your sexy father. It was very hard to concentrate reading a story, watching you cuddled to his bare breast like that.” Wolfram dove into the bed and joined Bertram, with his head on Yuuri’s other breast. He kissed both their beautiful naked breasts, then looked up to invite a big kiss from Yuuri on the mouth. “M. I like this idea, skin to skin cuddling with the baby. I must admit, you have very good ideas. I’m so relieved that Maou-on-climax thing was Bertram. It was, wasn’t it?”* Insert rabid fangirl drooling and nosebleed:X3 X3 X3!

3)*“Efram’s fascinated by homosexual sex.”* Lol, this one cracked me up...siriusly. ARGH! AGAIN, sorry! No really, I HAVE to see who his love interest will be in future fics. You know if he keeps up his obsessions and subtle stalkings of couples, he'll be another Gunter! XD!

4)The whole Manfred confessing at the end and Celi staying to comfort him:eyes begin wibbling:(T_T):sniffle:And to think I was so suspicious of him when he first was introduced...I'M SORRY MANNY! PLEASE FORGIVE ME! WAH! I BEAT MYSELF AS PUNISHMENT! On side note, cannot wait to see what nickname he will add to list of sons: 1)Pretty Little Vixen, 2)Fire Pixie, 3)hm...what has an "ix" in it?

Shadowed Chaos chapter 12 . 8/21/2006
YAY! its done!

and its a good story, really, really good story. i love it!

i love the way that you weave the OCs into the plot, and it sounds like an arc in the anime to me, which is the best kind of story that i like.

betram i get the feeling remebers EXACTLY who he was in his past life. i just cant help but feel sorry for poor yuri and wolfram. and the rest of there kids are sweet as well.

hmm... cant say that i feel sorry for Shori, the hussy comment about your own mother would make you go on defesive. and it was eeven better that it was Gwendal. the loveable sourpuss. :)

yuuri is a good maou, he really is.

i wonder, and hope that you will write more in this little series that you have going, as its fun, and its like the anime - well, most like it, and thats a good thing.

i think that i'll be trying my hand at a KKM fic soon, after i get all the other junky stuff out of the way in my life. :)

as for one plot line per story? let the story run where its wants to. you know the begining, you know the end. let the rest writes self with your guiance,

but then again, i have yet to read a fic where the story was from A to B with out taking a detour at E, K, J and Y ect.

then again, thats just me as a writer and reader and my opions.

great story, now i just have to print it out and add it to my great storys folder, if you dont mind of course.

one your biggest fans.

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