Reviews for Predestination
LBH-don't give up chapter 1 . 4/26/2017
It is beautifuly written. One of the best stories i've ever read. Ah, it is fantastic. So emotional, such great and complex plot, yet so simple. Thruly beautiful. Ah, it is breathtaking, so heartful. Seriously, you have just made me fall in love with the story. It is absolutly gorgeous. Thank you so much for giving us this tresure. Thank you.
HarleyMarie chapter 1 . 10/12/2015
I absolutely loved this story. It was beautiful. I treasure the way the perspectives were portrayed. I thank the author so very much for their brilliant and talented mind. You are a genius among infidels.
Jaica chapter 1 . 9/28/2015
poor Ed and Al... but poor Ed most .. why is the town so inconsiderate?
Hannah chapter 1 . 9/17/2013
That was one of the most beautiful things i have ever read. I can strangely relate too...
nfjdnfjkngkj chapter 1 . 8/3/2013
I'm speechless.
This is awesome beyond words, I can't describe how incredibly poetic, amazing and beautiful it is. A piece of work. Just... amazing.
And yes, I know it's been already seven years since you posted it, but I wanted to ask for your permission to translate it to Brazilian Portuguese. More people could read it. It's really amazing. Sure, I'll understand if you don't want it for any reason, but I thought I could ask for you to let me translate it. Of course, giving you all the credits.
Hvae a good day.
heartbroken chapter 1 . 9/8/2012
*making crying noises*
This was beautiful and heartbreaking...I'm not usually one for Elricest...b-but...*more crying noises*
Beautifully written :)
thesinofawesomeness chapter 1 . 6/14/2011
sasunaru2themax chapter 1 . 5/15/2011 brilliant.
just a passersby chapter 1 . 3/26/2011
interesting plot line. the religious theme was well executed. i commend you for that. very original too. i was impressed and i like your writing style. i didn't see obvious grammatical errors either so im very happy with that because it doesn't disrupt the flow of the story. all in all, you did a great job!

also, as it is a one-shot, i found that as another perk of your story. most one-shots aren't written this well. usually, they're either very rushed or just PWP. this, however, is the exact opposite. so again, good job.
Dreaming-Of-A-Nightmare chapter 1 . 7/28/2010
pardon my language, but...

HOLY FUCK THIS WAS SO FUCKING AMAZING! you have no idea how much i treasure unusual, dark, twisted circumstances such as this. this is... so very perfect. utterly genius, as well; however did your mind come up with this? and your writing... so graceful, beautiful. the different in italics and regular font paired with the capitalization fo certain words; it's so captivating.

essentially, i loved this one. very, very much. :3
shenweiyangtze chapter 1 . 7/23/2008
Amazing! It is very difficult to write a fic based on a religious theme and you pulled it off beautifully! I thoroughly enjoyed it _.
Disintegrating Vortex chapter 1 . 5/3/2008
Oh my god... hearts and love for this... I love the was the story is woven, the narrator unknown, then gradually revealed... The whole concept of Predestination has never really made sense to me, but you did a great job in explanifying/clarifying, And it made sense. Just for a second. And I shall never again think of Calvinists and the lot without a brainfloop into this... XDD Thanks so much! A fic to remember! D
Ms. Ely Sium chapter 1 . 3/21/2008
Wha... Not an Elricest fan, and I am religous, but... I love this! (SQUEE!)
QueenTiria chapter 1 . 1/16/2008
This is so good, even if I don't get

1-where they are

2-what they are

3-what world they're living in

I think predestination is horrible, but maybe thats because I strongly believe in justice and fairness. I'm pretty sure Ed is the one in the locked room. Anyway, great job! I loved the way their love was portrayed, it didn't disgust me at all even though I'm REALLY anti-homosexualness (with some exceptions). Maybe someday you can even explain what the characters are! :D
The-Muse-In-Me chapter 1 . 1/1/2008
Wow.. That was truly.. Moving. That was amazing. So amazing!

Thank you Muchly ]
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