Reviews for Killing Time in the Seventies
misspadfootjnr chapter 18 . 8/25/2016
Absolutely adored this fanfiction, this last chapter made me cry... I love Tedromeda and really wish Jo had give us more - but you've filled in the gaps:) now off to have a look at your other stories!
forever4 chapter 1 . 5/16/2015
A whole year later and I'm back rereading your captivating story. (I know it's a year because I tried to review Ch2, and the website wouldn't let me submit it because I had already reviewed it... And when I checked your reviews, Lo and behold, there I was.)
Well, just wanted to say that your story has captured me again. The prologue has set the stage nicely and really helps the reader settle in.
forever4 chapter 7 . 5/21/2014
Wow, he kissed her already! I was expecting more buildup before that, but then again, around chapter 4, I felt that plot was moving a little (very little) slowly so this is a nice surprise! I thought they might have gotten to know each other a bit more, maybe realized their feelings first (and a little bit of angst thrown in), but this way works just as well. Nice to feel like I'm being kept on my toes. Still loving your story!
forever4 chapter 2 . 5/21/2014
This is really shaping up nicely! Huge potential- so much that I'm making huge efforts to reign in my enthusiasm because I don't want to be disappointed. Oh, but dear, your story doesn't seem like it will disappoint at all! The first two chapters were already more enjoyable to me than many whole stories, so it is with heartfelt gratitude that I leave you this review. In terms of constructive criticism, I'm afraid I have none at the moment. The buildup was excellent, not too much or overly long nor too short and abrupt- I felt I was eased nicely into this story. There is also good groundwork for me to start caring about your two characters. Very nicely done!
Manatocfox chapter 18 . 8/21/2012
What a ride... I loved it! I'm surprised Andromeda was as openminded as she was earlier, but it makes sense. Good job and thanks for the amazing story.
Jo Sevi chapter 18 . 12/2/2011
I cried so much reading your FF ;( It's wonderful! I loved it! You write beautifully!
Jo Sevi chapter 12 . 11/30/2011
Hi! I just wanted to say I've read your FF this far and I LOVE IT! Exceptional plot and characters personality! You should write more HP FF! I also loved your "Blackbird" FF! That song really suits her! Please keep writing HP FF! :D Cheers!
monkeygenius chapter 18 . 6/24/2011
I love this! I had a great time reading it (fair enough the last 2 chapters were VERY sad but, they were still really good!)

Thank you so much for writing this!
Sidney chapter 18 . 4/7/2011
OMG! I completely loved it. I'm living a forbidden love story myself at this time. You might not believe it but sometimes I think seriously of running away with the man I love. I don't know if I'm brave enough... or as brave as Andromeda. :(

Thanks for the amazing story and keep up the great work.
gurugirl chapter 3 . 4/1/2011
A reference to ww2 I see, very clever. I like this, the chapters seem quite short, but over all there good and have a lot packed in. I'm downloading the songs at the top of each page, there good. well, i'm gunna go read some more :)
FadingSlowly chapter 1 . 3/19/2011
i'm pretty sure ted tonks is a muggle
loveandotherdrugs chapter 18 . 7/6/2010
Wow... That's possibly the best Andromeda/Ted story I've ever read. You really mastered that well and you pulled everything off incredibly; the characters, the character's emotions, the storyline... just, everything. The writing was also really good, and that's not always something you find with a good plotline, and that's what sets your story above all the others. Well done!

As Always,

Love Purple 8)
Vera Rozalsky chapter 18 . 4/22/2010
I love the way that you developed the relationship between Andromeda and Ted, as well as your portrayal of the social and political milieu in Pureblood high society: subtly and with an ear for how these things sound in real life. People make appalling alliances (or choose paths of rebellion) almost parenthetically, in the interstices of 'real life', eating, drinking, hanging out with friends...

Your portraits of the three sisters Black are wonderful: sneaky Narcissa, vicious Bella, and Andromeda, the one in the middle who's just trying to get by without standing out, until she has a reason to do something else. (And when she does, she acts with impressive and characteristic decision.)

You bring Fabian and Gideon Prewitt to vivid life, and even though we know they're doomed, their fate still comes as a shock.

I particularly admire this story because I'm writing a post-war story POV Andromeda and have had to work out retrospectively Andromeda's various relationships. The two epilogues are marvelous for their elegaic tone, particularly the second one.
Mistymist chapter 18 . 2/26/2010
oh what a beautiful ending, sad, but beautiful.

I really enjoyed this story. Thank you for writing it and sharing it with us.
Mistymist chapter 1 . 2/26/2010
I will review again once I finish the whole story but I just wanted to stop for a moment and thank you for giving Ted the christian name of Edward instead of Theodore. I know of several Ted's in his age range and not a single one is the shortened form of Theodore.

Anywho enough waffling on from me, on to the rest of your tale :)
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