Reviews for Secret Obsessions
Rebekah aka Sparrow chapter 2 . 6/25/2008
AH! I COULDN'T STOP LAUGHING! PHANTOM OF THE OPERA! LOL! I'm really random too and I love it! One time I went up to my mom and said, "DON'T EAT A SCARF IN A LEMON TREE! ESPECIALLY A BLACK AND WHITE SCARF!" RANDOMNESS RULES! *makes weird tongue noises*
drunk.monkey chapter 7 . 1/19/2008
That is amazing! DO you need any more ideas for obsessions?
Austin Bay chapter 7 . 12/17/2007
good good i like it! it reminds me of the stories my friends and i write.
serrenne chapter 7 . 7/9/2007
*GASP* need air! ROFL!
hehehe chapter 5 . 7/7/2007
he i had a beckett experience with my aunt. she was trying to hulla-hoop(sp?) she acted like a menntally chalenged child who is derranged. anyway my uncle tryed it and sucked, but not as bad as my aunt. so she laughed the fakest loudest laugh indicating that he was "worse than her" everyone just looked at her and stared. i think i heard a cricket. but it was like "HE'S WORST THAN ME!" then a "n he's not" thing. i saw it and had 2 comment...
cutefuzzyreallymeanthing chapter 7 . 7/2/2007
gosh thats soo funny! i understand beckett i have the same obbsession exept my outfit is pink and GREEN instead of pink and PURPLE. HAHAHAHAHA JUST KIDDING IM FUNY! Ok then... i love how beckett always got cut down. hes wore than me! no hes not. HAHA. ok well update cuz its been about a year and you update the other stories no reason to neglect this one! :( ok ok ill shut up.


Hannah95 chapter 7 . 5/27/2007
That's really funny! Update soon. I guess i'm like davy jones...i have the same obsession...
Pen Parley chapter 1 . 2/5/2007
Love it! Hee hee, I nearly fell off my bed from laughing at Beckett's obsession! And poor, misunderstood Davy... Maybe he should try and get Elizabeth or Tia to sing a duet with him, instead of embarrasing himself.

I know an obsession for Ragetti: spaghetti! Lol, it's not very creative, but think of the chaos that would ensue if he started throwing spaghetti at everyone and trying to shove it down their throats... And then Pintel could work with him and throw pasta sauce from a pink 'n sparkly spork! Wow, lol, that was random...
Random Authoress chapter 7 . 10/14/2006
This stuff is awesomely hilarious! Beckett's obsession is a bit disturbing though. I understand Bootstrap's obsession, because I have actually done that on several occasions, and it is quite fun...except the crashing sort of hurts after a while. The thumbwrestling was cool. Anyway, I have a feeling that either Will or Norrington (or both) really, really like pillow-fighting, seeing as how they both swordfight so often. Just a suggestion.
tinamonic chapter 3 . 10/6/2006
I love it! This is hilarious!
city-seagull chapter 5 . 9/10/2006
City: Hurrah!

Jack: You are the queen of Beckett bashing. (hands Fly like a Blueberry Pie a plastic crown with a Beckett action figure on it, and a wooden mallet in the action of beating his brains out).

Liz: Wear it well.

Legolas: Keep it secret, keep it safe...

City: WILLIAM! stop dressing up like Legolas, it's annoying.

Will: (Takes off blonde wig) Phooey.

City: (whaps Will upside the head) Now, on-

Jack: (intterupts City's famous line) Let us tarry forth and do battle... umm...

City: (glares) ONWARD!
city-seagull chapter 4 . 9/10/2006
City: (weeps) Jacoby was a good man... he could have done great things...

Jack: Spazzy was my homie S (removes hat in memory)

Liz: Why did he have to go? Why him?


(City tries to whap him, only to discover he now has an anti-whapping helmet)

City: (sniffles) well... onward
teapartyfoul chapter 7 . 9/8/2006
funniest thing i've read on fanfiction.


do continue, mate.

-Captain Jacquotte Turner
city-seagull chapter 3 . 9/7/2006
City: wOOt! excellente!

Will: I wonder what my obsession is...

City: (re-whaps Will) you goose! you're obsessed with the fact that your dad and jack-

Liz: (interrupts, befuddled) did you just call him a goose?

Jack: (folds arms) Why am I not being referred to as waterfowl, huh? It's been a lifelong dream of mine...

City: (confused) Okay... you mallard...

Jack: SCORE!

Liz: ...

City: Onward!
city-seagull chapter 1 . 9/6/2006
City: Jacoby is ma homeboy!

Jack: NUH-uh! Jacoby is MY homie!

Liz: No! MINE!

Will: You're all wrong! He's my bestest friend ever!

City: (whaps Will upside the head) You nerd.

Liz: Hot nerd, though.

City: True nuf.
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