Reviews for The Gray Divide
Estel la Rodeuse chapter 14 . 11/21/2016
You finished this story two years ago.. Almost three.
Is it wrong to hope for a sequel? I really LOVED both your stories.. There's something very different in them. I love your portrayal of both Obi Wan and Sabé, but also of the other characters. I find the plot interesting, and the link between Padmé and her former handmaidens. It's really like reading a proper novel. I do hope you update this story, if not, I hope you have time to work on your original writing, because, you write very well.. And I'm sure you'd find lots of reader.

Thank you for this story.
SM3LLY chapter 14 . 3/23/2016
I just read through your series and I wanted to say I really enjoyed it!
CDR. Grae chapter 6 . 6/13/2015
Lol, lavender unmentionables... I laughed so hard at that part that I literally snorted out my drink and got snot and water all over my keyboard. (Thank you very much.. :P) To imagine Obi-Wan fighting oh so seriously while wearing his dyed underwear... *snorts again*

But to think he wore that dyed unmentionable while Qui-Gon was dying... it's both sad and funny, I honestly don't know what to feel anymore. xD

I honestly finished this story already but I can't help but read that scene again. You're awesome! :D
Guest chapter 14 . 2/17/2015
I just barrelled through both of your stories and I am so engrossed in them. They are so wonderfully written and don't go over dramatic like some stories like to. Just enough angst to make it so good. I can't get enough.
Shadow Wrote chapter 14 . 7/13/2014
Thank you for a great story. I'm very interested to see what you have in store.
carryon chapter 13 . 7/6/2014
Ah I totally meant to review much earlier, but just recently started a job and was not quite ready for the hours that I would work. WHEW. Anyway, it's a beautiful day and I have the day off! And Congrats on finishing this story! This is like the end of an era! What i loved -

"he saw you die, sabe, however briefly." I like that we got a sense of Anakin's empathy toward his master, a sense that he's growing not just in his power, but also in his understanding - I can't help but wonder if Anakin would gotten better along with Obiwan in the end, if he felt that Obi-wan also had to struggle between love and duty, as he did.

"and I'm not blind to the beauty of it, giving up so much for what you believe in." The two of them seemed to have made pretty significant strides, Sabe to be able to be vulnerable, and Obi-wan to admit his feelings. I wanted this conversation to go on longer! I really wanted them to... I don't know, make an effort to strengthen their bond, instead of leaving it up to fate and to these chance meetings. She may not be blind to the beauty of his life, but together they could make it so much more beautiful. I know their story is the bittersweet story, but damn; don't you have to hold on to happiness when it comes to you, and not once, but already the second time?

I suppose that is always the dilemma of the star-crossed lovers. To take what they want, they risk pulling down so much around their ears. I feel like I should try to go back and read the whole thing in one go sometime, so I get the feel for the emotional trajectory again. But if you ever get around to writing the third installation, I'll be waiting!

The Three March Hares chapter 14 . 6/25/2014
I love you so much for finishing this (and perhaps carrying on? Hopefully?) It's so well written. I feel every emotionally invested in this series so I will follow you wherever you go with it.
Carryon14 chapter 12 . 6/16/2014
Oh man what a great chapter. (obviously someone wasn't just watching the day-long marathon of game of thrones yesterday). Wahoo you updated!

Things I loved.

1. Rabe, oh Rabe - especially what she says about Sabe not being to make that connection, not being to give up her ideals for love because she never loved enough. Ouch! That one hit home. But damn, if that isn't the same story with Obi-wan - the two of them would never give up what's right do do what they want, so the only way for them to be in love is not to be together (right?). Rabe's situation sort of echos Anakin's, eventually - sometimes, a kind of love can be a dangerous thing. It makes you do terrible things.

2. That moment of peace when Sabe faces her death, and almost becomes one with the force. Wow. Beautiful. But I liked how realistic it was, too, in a way - she couldn't defeat Ventress, even with this newfound sort of ability. It was one moment of grace, but it was enough.

3. Obi-wan. Oh man, we knew he had it bad, but now he really knows he has it bad. I'm not sure if I'm comfortable with Obi-wan handling so many strong emotions. It's like giving a three year old a set of priceless China. I always feel like he's going to do something stupid. Or maybe not. You'll have to let us know!

One nitpick...I got a little confused "anakin started when Obi-wan pressed his lips..." b/c I thought the next "he" referred to Anakin, not Obi-wan, and was very impressed with Anakin's ability to recognize and treat a pneumothorax!... then realized it was Obi-wan.

Keep those updates coming :)

The Three March Hares chapter 12 . 6/16/2014
You updated!You wonderful, brilliant thing, you! I am so happy you continued!

I was not expecting the Queen to be behind this. Good twist.

So what's going to happen with Obi-wan and Sabe? I'm dying to know! I'm sure their relationship is doomed since Obi-Wang's a dedicated Jedi and Sabe's a professional handmaiden, but I can hope.
Doesn't Matter chapter 11 . 5/12/2014
Nearly a year since your last update, but I thought you'd like to know that there's still at least one fan out here that is anxiously awaiting more...
bigtomato chapter 11 . 4/26/2014
I dislike cliffhangers... please update :)
bigtomato chapter 9 . 4/26/2014
Obi-Wan is such a dick!
bigtomato chapter 1 . 4/26/2014
Darth Sabé :D
evilpinkpen chapter 11 . 3/14/2014
Greatly enjoyed this and the prequel! I do hope that the rest of it is still lurking in the back of your mind somewhere...
The Three March Hares chapter 11 . 3/1/2014
Ack! You can't just stop here! I love this story too much! Please finish it. It's too good not to. I love the slow build up of Obi-wan and Sabe's relationship and the fantastic plot and just...everything! You're writing style is well balanced between internal struggle and external action. I couldn't stop reading. I hope you don't let this fic die. Please give Obi-wan and Sabe their time...they've waited ten years after all. :)
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