Reviews for In Dreams
ecclesiastes31-9 chapter 13 . 5/25/2015
I really liked this story apart from Michael's chapters and the fact he was at all incorporated in the fabula. I just don't like the whole "ghost preaching to the living" thing, the idea itself is not appealing to me. But chapters are well written. :)
cmtaylor531 chapter 1 . 5/20/2014
I just adore this so freaking much. I always thought it would have been an awesome story line if Ray had been shot and Neela had to deal with that as well.
cmtaylor531 chapter 13 . 5/27/2011
this story is amazing. God i wish season 13 would have went better for us Rommie fans instead of them shoving John Stamos down our throats. I guess in the end we did get our closure though, just not as good as we would have wanted.
edwardfiend chapter 13 . 1/24/2011
This was fantastic, I must say. :D loved reading it.
jcap1526 chapter 13 . 7/24/2009
This was an awesome story! Loved Gallant, and of course R&N and Abby too. Thanks for sharing this
allie chapter 13 . 8/18/2007
This was incredible. Really, I enjoyed every second of it. Keep up the great work fellas :D
K chapter 13 . 3/17/2007
I liked it a lot. I pretty much devoured this story in a few hours. Thanks so much.
Moonlight Enchantments chapter 13 . 2/4/2007
this completely and utterly lived up to my expectations and exceeded them!

I absolutly loved this, as you know form my reviews of every chapter. But seriously, this was so good.

You two are just way too good, it is not fair!I loved this and i love everythign you ever write!
criss128 chapter 13 . 1/30/2007
Aw, I loved it, I loved, it was perfect (ok, I think I've said that like a hundred times already, haha, sorry). Really, I love the way you write, you both are amazing
docrock06 chapter 13 . 1/30/2007
I really loved this story and i am sad to see that it is over, but it ended great so i don't care...i'll just read it again! Just wondering if you are going to do a sequeal to this like you did with cereal isle, speaking of are you updating Cleanup soon?

Love DocRock06
mrsreynolds chapter 13 . 1/30/2007
*wipes away tears*

That was so lovely! I was really pleased to see the story alert in my inbox as this is such a great fic. It's sad to see it end though! Are you guys planning any more?
Strizzy chapter 13 . 1/30/2007
Like it, very nice ending!
fphp chapter 13 . 1/29/2007
That was wonderful! I truly enjoyed reading all of it.

- Phoebe
lyricalpeach chapter 13 . 1/29/2007
*sigh* thank you! What a wonderful story - I couldn't believe this chapter was here, I checked C2 thinking I wouldn't find anything... ah! Beautiful... I think I'm going to go get me some smut now to complete the alternate universe between ch 12 and 13 where they go at it... my most re-read chapters of Cereal Aisle :D
MoonlitClarity chapter 13 . 1/29/2007
This was just phenomenal. Excellent job writing it. I really loved and enjoyed reading it. You guys are awesome! I look forward to reading your future stories (hopefully if you're writing more). D
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