Reviews for Father of the Bride
howardrhonda828 chapter 1 . 6/28
I loved how passive aggressive Bill was before the massacre and how he said things that had sinister double meanings. When Beatrix asked "Why are you here?" he replied smoothly, "Last look." Yeah, no kidding. YIKES. Or my favorite part, when Tommy shook his hand and said, "It's so nice to meet you sir, er, dad," and the Snake Charmer was like, "The name's BILL." As in "Do you even know who you're talking to, you stupid sheep?" It was great. The way he clapped a hand on Beatrix's shoulder and far from a loving embrace, it looked like he was subtly wringing her neck.
Alchemy Between Them chapter 1 . 9/23/2013
Wow, this is the first Kill Bill story I read, and that was fantastic!
saiansha chapter 1 . 6/19/2011
Eerie! But really well done, considering you portrayed every person in only a few words.
lilflyer chapter 1 . 8/21/2010
nice. I feel bad for Tommy lol
une valentine chapter 1 . 1/15/2007
I love that line, "You'll look even prettier after I shoot you in the head." That is a great line. xD Anyway, great story! Poor Tommy...Has no idea what's going to happen. :(
darkpadawan11 chapter 1 . 10/3/2006
Always feel like some pontificating English teacher when I write one of these, so please bear with me!

Interesting read. I always pitied poor Tommy most. Poor bugger :(

Your characterisation was spot on-apprehensive but determined Bea, easygoing and naive Tommy, smoothly deceptive Bill. Despite it's short length it was really easy to settle into. The tension was excellent, despite the fact we all know what's about to ahppen-or is that what makes the tension so well crafted? Ugh. I dunno. Anyway, that simple line at the end was the best I think I've read on this site. Very final, yet at the same time leading into what's gonna be a massacre.

Overall, your writing tone really suited the situation-brief, to the point, with enough hint of description to encourage interest without indulging in word-vomit. It's a shock this fic hasn't gotten more reviews. It's the first "Kill Bill" fanfic I've read and I'll have to show it to one of my mates. He'll love this!
MrBillyD chapter 1 . 8/21/2006
This is a good, solidly written story, however I find the 10 chapter X 100 word game you're playing with it, needlessly distracting. It diminishes the impact. It stands between the reader and the story. The story would be on the whole better, if you would remove the chapters and the headings.
Pottermaniac chapter 1 . 7/16/2006
Cool. I like how you point out Bill's cunning tactics. Some nice word selection, too.