Reviews for Serendipity
roon0 chapter 36 . 2/9
slytherinxbadxgirl chapter 36 . 9/26/2018
this was sweet.
LeoAngeldust chapter 36 . 9/8/2018
Just want to let you know that I loved this. I hustled finished reading everything in the ship over 20k. Sadly there’s not much in this so under appreciated ship.
Immortal Dragon Empress chapter 1 . 6/20/2018
I have so many different kind of feels for this story right now... I am a firm Dramione shipper (I only ship this two together in the HP fandomnot even Romione) but I read the summary and thought what the heck I’ll give it a try. I was beyond surprised and very pleased that I did. The Viktor/Hermione ship is an interesting one because we don’t get much information on Viktor like we do with the other male characters. That being said you handled this very well. Your characterization of him was astounding and hell even I fell in love with him! I was somewhat annoyed at certain points that Hermione refused to leave Ron but after reading the complete story I understand why you wrote it this way. After all it is a marriage and walking away should never be an easy thing. I especially liked how you handled and wrote the abusive relationship and I am glad that hermione knew she deserved better. Sometimes it takes us a little longer to find our courage but what matters is that we always do in the end. I so desperately want to read more of this ship (you story being the first I’ve ventured into) but I’m far too worried all the others won’t be as good. This was a beautiful story from start to finish. I hope you write more in the future!
amandamurphy85 chapter 36 . 4/16/2018
Well darn. I was hoping for a heart to heart between mione and viktors mom.
Guest chapter 36 . 2/7/2018
Loved it
Gryffindork11 chapter 36 . 12/5/2017
Not sure if you're still active on this site but I've just finished your story and I thought it was incredible. I've never been a Herminone/Ron shipper but haven't ever read a Hermione/Viktor story either. I thought this was one of the most romantic stories I've ever read - I absolutely love the pairing now.
Lillyc940 chapter 22 . 7/17/2017
You, sir (or ma'm), habe my respect for putting the domestic violence hotline in the chapter :)
sbmcneil chapter 25 . 1/15/2017
Hermione is a horribly selfish, immature person. She's just making up reasons to stay with her abusive, worthless husband so she can pretend she didn't fail. Viktor could do much better than her.
BadLuckVixen13 chapter 22 . 10/24/2016
I read the beginning of this chapter and cried at work. Thank you for putting the message out there. So many people don't get to hear it.
SpoilMeToDeathSweetheart chapter 36 . 5/7/2016
I know it has been a while since this got out, but lately I got an odd craving for krumione fics and it has been kinda difficult to fin long nice ones. Anyway I just wanted to say that this is one of them! I liked the story and really wish there were more like this.
InvisiblePuppeteer chapter 36 . 9/17/2015 That was simply amazing! This story has to be one of the most amazing Viktor/Hermione pairing ever posted. Its so well done! I found it intriguing because of all the layers and how true the characters were to the originals. Hermione doesn't just up and give up on the marriage-I enjoyed how devoted she was, even if it was for all the wrong reasons. The way you portrayed her stuggle was realistic and heart-wrenching. As for Viktor, he was perfect too. He was believable and absolutely human.
You did such a great job on this story and I am veyond excited that I found it. You have a talent for writing and it shows. This was masterfully done and I know that I'll be rereading this many times.
-Ever yours,
The Invisible Puppeteer
Arabella Prince chapter 36 . 1/5/2015
one word: wow.
RedStalkingDeath chapter 36 . 10/12/2014
Loved it! :D There is way too few good Viktor/Hermione stories out here :(
Serene Summer Days chapter 36 . 4/26/2014
This was a great story. I love and think that in the harry potter series, Hermione and Viktor should have been together to the end. All the other stories on Viktor and Hermione have not been fin ished, at least this one was.
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