Reviews for We Always Know
Guest chapter 1 . 2/21/2015
I like the theme, it's very interesting. However, I don't really like the way it was written. For one, you just present the info at once. You've got to let the reader slowly get the info. Another thing is that the characters were a bit too Mary sue. The interactions were a bit...I dunno how to put it, they lacked depth. Like they were making small talk with a stranger. And the clothing, I don't know about other schools, but I'm pretty sure I would get dress coded if I wore a shirt like that. It's just really provocative. Other than that, I enjoyed the chapter.
emokitty4242564 chapter 15 . 4/7/2012
Why would you end it like that it was so sad.I love it but please make a second !
FreedomFox chapter 1 . 3/24/2011
Hey! I really love your plot idea with the paranormal twist thrown in. Do you mind if I use your idea? Of course it won't be the same but I'd like to use the idea of the abilities and Naruto and Haku being brothers. Do you mind?
Mizuki Inuzuka chapter 15 . 11/16/2010
Nice...Love your descriptiveness! I love the plot!
breXanime chapter 15 . 1/30/2010
I really loved your story it was so romantic, funny, and full of action, well to me. I really loved the way you put your story together with magic and everything it was so col XD! and you should totally make a sequel thats if you feel like if you do please make it. Oh yeah and thank you so much for writing this story it was awsome and fun to read THANK YOU SO MUCH XD!
CrystaLiiine chapter 4 . 5/17/2009
i wanna see (3) and (4)in the email is on my send me the link. thx _.
CrystaLiiine chapter 2 . 5/17/2009
so far i like this story but i really hope that narutos vision dosent come to would be sad.
CrystaLiiine chapter 1 . 5/17/2009
so far this is a very original fic...i like it. i think its cool that hakus narutos bro and that they have idea. oh and i loved their shirts _.
katTheCharmer86 chapter 15 . 6/1/2008
OMG! I hope that U write a sequel!

I love the story!

Yay for sasu/naru & Ita/Haku!
arienne92 chapter 4 . 5/29/2008
i wanna see the vids for both moves my e-mail is
TaLiLaLi chapter 1 . 4/27/2008
I'm defenetly going to continue this...:P
TaLiLaLy chapter 15 . 4/27/2008

look i know thi sounds kinda stupid fron an unknown reviewer but, HEY, i've got a profile here so i guess that makes me somewhat less unknown, ne?

anw i just wanted to let you know that this story was great and a sequal is most defenetly needed...that's all.

Please take my request seriously, i'm sure others like me and your cousin would LOVE to have a sequal for this story...:]
black55widow chapter 15 . 4/21/2008
That chapter covered all the loose ends. It was good.
animefreak892cool4u chapter 6 . 4/11/2008
do u live in FL. at my old school in FL they have a ROTC's class. do u have to dress up sometime. and what is it?
gaaranojutsu02 chapter 15 . 4/7/2008
DUDE! I just read it from start to finish. THIS STORY IS AWESOME! Please write a sequal.
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