Reviews for BHK
freyja0taku chapter 1 . 3/8/2018
Whoa. Now my eyes got misty too. I'm not a fan of this pairing but I got curious and read it. I'm glad I did 'cause it's absolutely amazing.
songs chapter 1 . 8/28/2013
I don't know if you'll ever read this, but I just wanted to say that for 5 years now, this has been one of my favorite, most inspiring oneshots, period. I always come back to it. Thank you for writing!
elementa chapter 1 . 12/19/2010
Oh man, I almost cried :(
Kairi Granger chapter 1 . 9/22/2010
I loved it, but I'm slightly confused...

what is BHK and how did Roxas die?
luckynumbereight chapter 1 . 6/17/2010
I read this story a really long time ago before I had an account, and still haven't forgotten it. This is one of the best one shots I have EVER read. keep writing! :)
sleepfastdreamhard chapter 1 . 1/18/2010
This was AMAZING, you don't understand. I don't even like the pairing, but, the idea is simply genius! I loved it!
numb-butt chapter 1 . 10/11/2009
Oh wow. That was beautifully written. I think you captured all of the characters really well. As soon as Kairi began talking to 'BHK', I knew what was coming. I almost didn't want to read it, I would want ot see Roxas dead. TT

I think this is probably one of the best things i've read in a while. I liked the end the most. I love it when people end thing with a quote from a character, it just somehow dramatizes things more than they would if they ended with just a description. Anyways, loved it to no end. :3

Clueless Uke
frozen-popsicles chapter 1 . 2/24/2008
That was an amazing story. I actually cried. I think i have a new favourite pairing now!
Lost in the Shadow chapter 1 . 7/7/2007
That is weird and good at the same time.

Yeah. BHK. Everyone called Roxas that before the second game came out. Blonde Haired Kid, if I remember correctly. dumb name in most cases.

But not in this one.
watch-me-write chapter 1 . 5/10/2007
Ok, first things first, sorry about the incredibly late review. Secondly, this was a really moving fic and I loved it. I love Roxiri, its my favourite coupling _.

Well, lastly, I think you would find it pretty weird, since it seems all your other readers have figured it out and all, but I can't figure out what BHK means! Yes, I can just imagine you with an unbelievable look on your face, now...Its probably right there in my face, too, so close it could maybe hit me...ugh, anyway, if its possible, could you please tell me? Then it might make a little more sense to me.

But my first guess would've probably been 'Beautiful Handsome Kid', or 'Beautiful Handsome Korpse', with a 'K'.

Haha...I'm pathetic...
Airica Adriene chapter 1 . 8/5/2006
Very spiritual. I loved it. *sigh* I love Roxiri, and I loved this. Great job.

hikari-aozora chapter 1 . 7/19/2006
wow ... that was certainly ... interesting ... im not really a roxiri fan ... and the topic was really random ... yet strangely, i liked it
the yellow ribbon project chapter 1 . 7/9/2006
Wow, now this is an original idea. I loved it! Very cute idea. (adds to favs)
Lilia Program chapter 1 . 7/5/2006
aw thats so sad ;_; wait who heck forgets how to breath, (glares at Namine) i told yor messing with people's memories wasn't a good thing

Namine: : s-sorry

_ nevermind well this a cute little ficyet sad at how he died T_T poor little guy wah (adds to favorites)
time can take its toll chapter 1 . 7/3/2006
Ah ...

Freaking loved it. (: The 'it's beautiful outside, dead guy' and 'he forgot to breathe' lines are wicked, they've got this quality like a song's line that just jumps out at you and gets stuck in your head. Mucho inspiring, lols.(:

I've probably praised your writing before, and tons of other kids have - but I'll still go on to say that it's pretty rad.

- Zanisha.
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