Reviews for Things Not Seen
WroteThatOneDrizztStory chapter 1 . 7/31/2006
I am only confused about who the first one is supposed to be. Pakku? Sokka? The others are obvious and that is a good thing. I think you have a good understanding of each character's personality, something that is rare and to be valued in fanfiction. Nicely done.
NoLongerWriting chapter 1 . 6/23/2006
whoa sammy. tht was u got skilz
helium lost chapter 1 . 6/15/2006
Hmm... I'm not sure who the first speaker is-is it Kinto? The second one's definitely Toph, the third, Zuko, and the fourth, Aang. :) I liked how you used "throw any worries to the wind"; it adds that effect to your talking about air. I like the parallel structure, though I felt it could have been expanded on; then again, it's for a drabble community, so~ ;

- hl
Lady.Meister chapter 1 . 6/15/2006
Hmm.. nicely written. Let me take a guess as to who the man was: Aang. I only guess him, because you wrote about how felt felt towards the different elements, and, being the Avatar, it would seem to make sense. Oh, and thanks for the reviews on my stories- I appreciate them oh-so-much.