Reviews for The Wolf Covers Its Tracks
nekochan1994 chapter 1 . 1/2/2015
What about Teddy?!
HP-fanfic-fan101 chapter 1 . 9/18/2012
This is a great story. I love family like stories when werewolves are involved so I'm super glad he's going to take care of the kids, I was afraid he would leave them to someone else.

(I'm ashamed to admit you know more about Canadian geography than I do and I was born and raised here.)
SingBenihime chapter 1 . 12/20/2010
This is a beautiful read. I love the way your portrayed Lupin. 3
Polish chapter 1 . 1/24/2010
You show'em Remus! -roots him on- Well done! very well done! I love the ending!
Riku-Rocks chapter 1 . 3/14/2007
This story is excellent.

The concept, plot, pace, and grammar are all fantastic.

It's very well rounded. Well done.
GYRC chapter 1 . 3/4/2007
Ah ... Banff. What I wouldn't do to be there right now, up at the Hot Springs after a day of skiing. Of course, you introduced a darker aspect to the park, but bravo! It's really well written, and I enjoyed it hugely!
Evil Grinlord chapter 1 . 6/17/2006
Oh! I remember this fic. I came across it at your livejournal but couldn't figure out to review, so, um, yeah. Can't remember if I did or not. So I'll do it now.

Lovely fic. I mean, I really really love it. Characterization is spot on, and the writing is really excellent. The descriptions of the Canadian wilderness is... descriptive and gives this fic so much character.

Remus is so beleivable here. He's not quite at the same place as when we last saw him in book six, and he shouldn't be; a lot has happened to him in ten years. But it's still him under the obsessive angstiness. You do a great, beleivable job of showing a side of him we don't see too much in the books.

Fenrir was just scary.

So, good job!
DrJessica chapter 1 . 6/15/2006
This is such a brilliant story. I love your writing style, it had me hooked. I gasped, I whined in frustration and anger, and I cried! I'm so happy your story was able to pull that out of me.

There really aren't enough stories dealing with Remus and Fenrir. You contributed to it greatly, I love you for it. This story is amazing and pulls at the heart strings. I must add it to my favorites.

Thank you for doing this. :)
Dark2Light chapter 1 . 6/9/2006
You're a really good writer. I loved this, it was really deep!
duj chapter 1 . 6/7/2006
Spare, taut, effective writing. Well done. Lupin is a weakling underneath it all. Lucky Fenrir couldn't resist taunting him.
Pandora of Ithilien chapter 1 . 6/7/2006
intriguing and heartbreaking.
kitsunemajin chapter 1 . 6/7/2006
This is a really good story. I like seeing things dealing with Remus and Greyback. There aren't nearly enough out there.

You're story was really well written. Great job.