Reviews for Drunken Vanilla Splendor
animecrazyfangirl101 chapter 1 . 3/28/2009
i always wanted to review this story ever since i first read it, but now that i have an acount, i can! i lovelovelove this story so much! instant FAV!
CharmingMurderess chapter 1 . 9/27/2008
i feel lost. o.O

but in a beautiful and amusing kinda manner.
Hanniebis chapter 1 . 6/30/2007
Beautiful, really great.
Jessemay chapter 1 . 7/25/2006
Beautiful. It's very Spike-ful. I like the quiet type of friendship they have, if you can even call it that. Definately a fav.
Slots chapter 1 . 6/29/2006
Mmh. Vivid. It kind of feels.. like when you're pouring syrup and all of a sudden it globs out and gets on your fingers and you just can't get the stickiness off with a napkin. Yeah.

I think that means I liked it. Quite a lot actually.

I might not of liked the pregnancy thing, cause most times it feels cliche, but it was this subtle sort of resolving afterthought, and you realize that everyone's reactions to it are so perfect that you can't even think of comparing it to another fic.
Murdered.By.A.Marionette chapter 1 . 6/12/2006
GAH! continue! me likey alot!
Pink Penguins chapter 1 . 6/6/2006
I wish I could give you a more thourogh reivew, but it's very late and I'm tired. Still, this was excellent. Really. I kind of always imagined that Faye would end up some nice place with a lot of white. You captured that peace of mind of knowing that you're in a nice, safe place with a bowl of your favorite ice-cream and you're completely clean perfectly. You could feel the gratefullness in that depiction of that scene. Again, excellent job.
redeve chapter 1 . 6/6/2006
this was amazingly good. I'm begging you write something longer. Your words are perfect poetic it all just fits you got it right. So wright!
kitty chapter 1 . 6/6/2006
i really cant explain what this drew out in me.. it all seems so profound and deep that it didnt really need words beyond description of the given.. i feel like i just read my way through one of those films you have to sit and ponder about a day after watching it and ask yourself if you really get it, but it strikes a note in you that.. i dont know, just rings.. it all feels so.. surreal. congratulations, sincerly.
CarolinaWhiteRose chapter 1 . 6/6/2006
hey great story! I like it alot, see alot of potential in it, and its extremely well written! I'm placing it in my alerts to look out for. Oh, one question, is faye back on the bebop or no? I might have missed it while running after my baby cousin. WEll, great work! I can't wait for the update. I'll be waiting, so please hurry. Oh by the way i love the scent of vanilla, that and tommy girl are my fave! Lol, alright, don'tforget!update soon, see ya! -%-
vettac chapter 1 . 6/6/2006
I loved this story! This was so angsty, you show the side of Faye that the series never explored. And Spike cares about her much more than he doesn't want to admit. Please write more!