Reviews for Being Only Human
RogueNya chapter 5 . 11/17/2008
Pretty good story, would not mind seeing Mercy up against Rogue with her powers lol more so after she kicked her ass without them.
AngelofSnow chapter 5 . 6/16/2006
I really enjoyed reading your fanfic. I thought you did an especially good job with the scene between Rogue and the truck driver.
Gynx8 chapter 5 . 6/9/2006
Wow that was freaking GREAT! Although it ended a bit abruptly... There could have been so much you could have done, and after reading the first paragragh of chapter 5 this story was screaming epic. But it's understandable since you had a trip(?) to go on... You should reprise the story or have a sequel where Rogue leaves but Logan doesnt catch her in time... *Hint Hint* lol

Then you can have Rogue errm getting amnesia and finding Mystique. Who can become her mentor and teach her all those slinky fighting moves. (A la Mystique/Rogue like in the Comics/Toons) Then que Gambit... And then Carol Danvers... O_O And then years later she meets up with the X-Men again... Except this time they're on opposite sides of the battle field... DUN DUN DUN... And then Logan can do his... "We can fix it! We can make it like it was" lmao Que Logan vs Super Rogue. See... The possibilities are endless! Lol

Sorry for all the incoherent rambling. I'm just in dire need of a good post X3 Rogue fic. The way they ended her soryline was SO TRAGIC! And your fic was like a little ray of hope... PLEASE DONT END IT HERE... lmao PLEASE!
DarkAngelmi818 chapter 4 . 6/8/2006
Wow this is awsome. I think you hsould give Rouge some new Kick ass powers or something. you kow. but what is going to h appen with Magneto any way you should really give roug some new powers. ilove this STORY IT"S AWSOME. KEEP GOING!:)

Kitty2228 chapter 5 . 6/8/2006
I'm glad you didn't make us wait until you got back from your trip to finish this. Have a good vacation, and thanks for the story.
serendiptitycoffee chapter 5 . 6/8/2006
i'm a big fan of x-men and this was a great fic. good use of continuity with powers and whatnot. keep up the good work!
SocialWorker84 chapter 5 . 6/8/2006
That was an excellent way to end the story, very good!
Kitty2228 chapter 4 . 6/8/2006
I'm really like the Bobboy-Rogue relationship you've develped here. I'm looking forward to the next chapter.
Mini Moony Werewolf chapter 1 . 6/7/2006
update soon

I love this story

Emo Elmo
OmgitsBlondieduh chapter 4 . 6/7/2006
Omg... Wow.. Depressing! But good! Please update soon :D
SocialWorker84 chapter 4 . 6/6/2006
Excellent chapter, keep up with the good work.
littleanz chapter 4 . 6/6/2006
thanks for the mention in the last chapter! And as always the update was wonderful! hm.. wondering where to go eh? If you were to ask me I would say have her meet up with gambit. OR go back home. But I"m pretty much happy if rogue is happy and in power!

Can't wait for an update!
Sakura123 chapter 4 . 6/6/2006
Actually, I did read your other X-men story "Rogue's Choice(?)" and I actually liked how you characterized Storm's behavior toward to Rogue's decision and how Rogue calmly explained her reasons for getting the cure to Storm. I enjoyed it overall (I only wish I had space on my favorites list) Never listen to "Possession" while reading such an emotional chapter, your'll be jerked to tears. I feel so bad for Rogue, stuck in the middle, feeling she has no where to go. I liked how you wrote the moment between Logan and Rogue, very touching and bittersweet. I cannot wait to find out what happens next!

GrangersTwin2595 chapter 4 . 6/6/2006
This is really good! Poor Marie! You should have her go back up to Canada, and have her fighting in the bar cages. Let her work out all of her rage on unsuspecting men. Have her known as like the Rogue, or something, and she should be well known. Or something. I dont know, your story. Just a suggestion. Loved it!
Grace the Writer chapter 4 . 6/6/2006
Ok, so I've read the book for X3 and they did things just slightly different. For one thing, I don't think Rogue got the cure, but that's a pointless detail this far into your story ;)

So we have a Rogue who got the cure. Alright, so now she wishes she hadn't got it, which brings Magneto to my mind. At the end of the movie (and the book also), he seemed to be getting his power back. I suppose you could go that route...

I don't know... it doesn't seem to me that you have too many options, but I'll keep my eyes on this and see what you come up with.

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