Reviews for After The Fall
Dandy352 chapter 1 . 12/29/2013
I've got to say, this fic was beautifully written :) I LOVE IT!
Bubbles of Colours chapter 1 . 5/16/2013
I loooved this!
Shrilaraune chapter 1 . 12/7/2012
I actually thought this was wonderful. This is a pair I forget too easily about and you portrayed them very well. The lime didn't hurt either. Bravo.
EuroCuttie chapter 1 . 2/27/2012
Remarkable story! I've read it a few years ago and it blew me away again when I reread it. The connection between Eriol and Tomoyo gets to me. I love the fact that you wrote about their realistic painful lives. As long as there is a happy ET ending, all the negative things can be put aside.

I would really appreciate it if you update the sequel, Adam and Eve! I know, I know...You haven't updated it in years...but I'm still hoping that you will!
RemoveDeleteKill Account chapter 1 . 12/3/2011
Well, that was some twisted, angsty stuff ... but damn it's good. I love those two characters from Cardcaptors. Frankly, I like Tomoyo better than Sakura ... but then again I have thing for preferring side characters. :D Eriol and Tomoyo totally do dark. Great stuff. :)
Seynee chapter 1 . 6/1/2011
Definitely sucked my brains out as well, but in a really, really good way. Bitter!Tomoyo and Eriol are so, so fun, and I guess I just love the concept of friends with benefits, or one night stands, or sex that turns to something more, or something. :D
clow-san chapter 1 . 4/9/2011
I cannot believe I haven't reviewed this. Truthfully, I'm a Tomoyo/Touya shipper but this, this is Tomoyo/Eriol at its finest. I love its dark tone and the fact that it isn't childish at all. I can easily picture this happening post-series. Bloody fantastic job.
unagihime chapter 1 . 2/10/2011
What delicious angst.
SOKiiE chapter 1 . 12/27/2010
OH! You wrote this story! I remember reading this back in the early 2000's ._. well I read it again and its still good. I'm glad you're not bothered at all with the dark content. Nothing ventured nothing gained. Keep on Venturing !
Eru no Tsubasa chapter 1 . 12/2/2010
Wow... Wow... o.O Definitely a fave... definitely dark and sexy! XD And yes, I am probably too young to read this... as I'm not nearly old enough to watch R-rated movies... but I watch them anyways. Shh...
Anniesik chapter 1 . 7/11/2010
100 reviews.. sorry, I'll ruin the pretty number cuz i have to say i really liked that story :)
cheng chapter 1 . 2/22/2010
Hahaha adorably awesome.
Yorik chapter 1 . 11/10/2009
Different. And very interesting.
MikoKagome1113 chapter 1 . 7/22/2009
Well, it most certainly is very dark, and I think very unlikely of both Eriol and Tomoyo, but very well written. You have an extreme talent with writing.

Pinboo chapter 1 . 1/9/2009
I've read this story years ago, I forgot whether I left a review or not that time. But oh well, since this is a very good story, i don't mind reviewing.

I really love the bitterness about the story,especially in the first part. You said in your author notes that you have the tendency to write a dark fiction but ends it in a more humorous way. Yes, I can see that. What I love is that the transition between the dark part to the light part is so smooth, it all feels so natural.

I love,love,love,love the part when Eriol and Tomoyo shared their first talk. It was really entertaining. Sexy, too. The emotions are well pulled, sentences are great. Bravo. This is just a great story.

I remember that I read this story as a much younger girl (been in a year later than you. I join in 2002), and the lime part had surprised me back then. But as I grew (and more pervertedness seeped into my mind, i suppose ;P) i think the lime part is also good.

But topmost, like what I've said, what i love the most from this fanfic is the dark beginning and how the two characters intertwined to each other with those angsty talk. Really, it was marvelous.

Thank you for writing this story. I don't re-read it often, but I admit that this is (and will always be) one of the classic fanfiction that I will always hold dear in my heart. hehe, sounds exaggerated? But really, this is a very good piece.

Too bad that you don't often write fanfiction anymore. I miss good-quality works in , and I hope you can provide us some in the future.. :)

Well, that's it, I suppose. Thanks!
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