Reviews for Bills, Bills, Bills
Kaggybearr chapter 30 . 7/5/2013
this is AWESOME! i LUVED it. Keep updating! is Kouga gonna ever appear? and is kikyo gonna disappear? jk it wont be fun without her! i think your story is pretty amazing!
Rin-Youki chapter 30 . 6/22/2013
please make more
venuslegacy9 chapter 30 . 10/13/2012
i really enjoyed this story and your take on the characters, i didn't want this to end, but felt that things had been resolved nicely, although it would have been good to see even more of the romance between Inuyasha and Kagome, but then this did feel more natural and true to life. thank you for sharing this.
Breeluv chapter 30 . 4/13/2012
Great story! I really hated how inuyasha used her in the beginning and kinda knew he was up to something from the start and being used by kikyo,but when I read and saw how he really tried to get her to forgive him I knew he had changed and wasn't the same guy that tried to get her fired but a man who was really trying to undo the wrong he did to another and I no longer was mad at him and besides he didn't know she needed the job until it was too kagome she has it ruff with all those bills to worry and frett over and being sued! I feel for her and im glad that she wasn't sued and is with inuyasha and it was really funny how she kissed him in front of forever!
klrob chapter 30 . 1/24/2011
So I do hope you finish this story at some point... I really love it, and I think it's amazingly well written. So please try and finish the story up at some point!
Manni19 chapter 30 . 9/1/2010
more more
Undefined Puppet chapter 30 . 12/27/2009
haha good going Kagome!

This story is just awesome! I really really hope you update soon I can't wait to read more of this brilliant story!
MidniteHearts chapter 5 . 7/27/2009
ok so i have read the first 5 chapter of this story so far and it was very interesting to the point where it kept my attention...but not for very long. Ever since the whole slap incident occurred, it just seemed like these chapters revolved around it, and it was starting to take about from the plot...and my attention...but i have yet to read the rest of the story so my judgment isn't accurate.

But just keep in mind for future references, try not to linger on situations your characters can't get passed, and that way all the chapters won't seem so similar.
jade h chapter 30 . 7/23/2009
i love your story but its been more than a year since you last updated and i am dying to find out what happens next so please update soon!
Chissel chapter 30 . 9/23/2008
What's up...Just now read those last two chapters, I've been pretty busy with school and stuff...Anyway, chapter 29 was pretty good, kind of a filler though but still good. I was glad to read about what you said at the end, I hate when stories end, so I hope this story will keep going on for a while...But it seems you've already had a climax but...What's a story good for without a bunch of climaxes! Hm, sounds kinda like sex...Anyway I thought I'd check in on your story in what little free time I have haha, I was glad to see you're still hanging on to this, was afraid that you might have just stopped. Yeah I'm in college but I'm thinking that my first choice for a career isn't exactly what I'll be wanting to do for the rest of my life, maybe as a hobby...Just a little update on my life ;) But yeah, keep going with the story, take it easy there's no rush, just let it come to you when it comes. I'll keep reading and no matter where this story goes, I can guarantee you that I'll love it. So I think I've typed enough in this review...Oh, if you need ideas or help...Or if you want to let me know when a new chapter is going to be up, email me so I'll know!
Cougiecat chapter 30 . 8/11/2008
Yeah! you finished the story. I'd started reading this a couple years ago before you finished it. After a bit of no updates I was worried that'd be it. So it was a super fun surprise when I logged on specifically looking for this story and not only had you updated, but you'd finished! With an epilogue too! Yeah! You did a wonderful job. The epilogue gave some completion to the fic (I left the chapter before wondering what happened to that 'you have to repay the full amt all at once guy'), and it got to give us readers a few moments of official fluffy bunny-ness. Thanks again!
X30SeCOndS2RJA14 chapter 30 . 7/7/2008
ive been keeping up with this story for awhile and i lost track of it but just today read the rest of it. I LOVE IT! it ended perfectcly and smoothly and that bitch kikyo got what was coming to her. i hope your relationship issues have gotten better but i would really love it if you continued this story.
MidniteHearts chapter 3 . 7/1/2008
even though you've updated this story five months ago, I must say that I'm enjoying it so far. I hope that Inu and Kags won't stay mad at each other for long.
mefloyd chapter 28 . 3/22/2008
Hi, when are you going to update this story? I'm still waiting for chapter 30, but I'm losing my patience ;D
Da-Da chapter 30 . 3/16/2008
Oh...please write another chapter or two. I enjoyed reading every chapter even though it did take time away from my projects and having to do lots of homework, but at the end of the day, u gotta enjoy life to the fullest Right? The things that i enjoy out of life is: My Family, Videogames(yeah,that's right...I am a girl and I love to play videogames), and reading as much of fanfictions of InuYasha as possible. Keep up the GREAT WORK on your stories. Every chapter left me wondering of what would happen next!
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