Reviews for The RENT: High School Daze
Pixaria chapter 9 . 3/5/2011
More please me and my friend are rent-heads big time. Also I'm linsey's age, reads m rated fanfiction, has seen rent over 5 times, watches shows that are on adult swim, seen rated r movies, I have both wicked books and I have no idea what a dyke is
hyuklou chapter 9 . 4/18/2009

this might seem really out of the blue, but can you please update. at least one chapter? pretty please? if you do, i'll send you a bucket of cookies. thanks!
Your Oasis chapter 9 . 11/6/2007
aw, why'd you stop here? i really wanna know what happens next for mimi and roger. please update soon! your story has loads of potential for very interesting things to happen. ;)

i love it...please update soon! please? i'll review every chapter from now on, even the earlier chapters "if your so inclined." lol

p.s. its really funny. i couldnt help laughing or smiling.


Rent Head chapter 9 . 1/24/2007
I wish you would add to this fic! I love it but there is so much more that could happen! Please add more about Angel and Collins and Roger and Mimi. I really want to see their relashonships go farther. Oh, and I love the end of Chapter 9. It's really funny!
Rachel chapter 1 . 1/18/2007
please update.

this is amazing.

so please update:]


angel718 chapter 9 . 12/21/2006
L Ducky chapter 9 . 8/2/2006
hahahaha cute.

i love lindsey.

dancexinxthexflames chapter 9 . 7/27/2006
WHEE! I love it so much! hahaha XD

Hope Meems and Rog get back together soon. :D
ickle-s-10 chapter 9 . 7/25/2006
teehee. the last sentance was very funny.

“But they’re all juniors, honey,” Gloria shook her head. “You need to try and make friends with some nice girls in your classes, okay?”

that made me happy because...well, i hate everyone in my grade. seriously, i have breakdowns over how much i hate my friends (but are they really friends if you hate them?)) so i just hang out with my friends who are a year or two older than me. so yay! i'm like mimi.

this chapter was so cute, i can't wait for an update!
xWiCkEdxGhOsTx chapter 9 . 7/25/2006
lol...very funny at the end...nice work!
Believe the Lie chapter 9 . 7/25/2006
You managed to incorporate several elements of the film and the characters into this excellent fanfiction. And...oh, what the hell, IT WAS FREAKING AMAZING! Update more, seriously. I really want to read more!
freedomfighter82 chapter 9 . 7/25/2006
I love it! Want more! Man, why do I love the high school RENT stories? I'm such a dork. MORE NOW!
BabyLezzie chapter 9 . 7/25/2006
“Its okay, Mom, I know what a dyke is,” Lindsey pointed out cheerfully as she pulled a package of cookies from the pantry. “It’s what Luke calls girls who won’t sleep with him.”

i loved that line. it made me laugh. update soon please!
Here Though You've Forgotten chapter 9 . 7/25/2006
“Its okay, Mom, I know what a dyke is,” Lindsey pointed out cheerfully as she pulled a package of cookies from the pantry. “It’s what Luke calls girls who won’t sleep with him.”

haha that is pure hilarity!

carryin da bannah,

L Ducky chapter 8 . 6/25/2006
awe i like how Tom and Angel are curled up together. yumyfluff.

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