Reviews for Infatuation
fanficnewbiee chapter 25 . 7/18
What a great story! I am so happy I was able to find it! Thank you for sharing!
miss priss chris chapter 15 . 10/21/2012
Ok I have to say that its a little messed up that they chopped obser kohoku. I mean, kagomes brother at least has a chance. Sangos brother will never be the same again. I didnt agree with this chapter. But I like the story overall. But not this chapter. Its to much. :( I'm sorry.
Bugaboo526 chapter 23 . 1/3/2012
Hey...I have been enjoying your story do much and I'm sorry to hear about your brother. I don't want to touch up on the subject so much but I find it truly amazing how you can move on happily with your life and writting such amazing stories. People like you really inspire me so keep on writting! 3
Keli-sama chapter 25 . 9/14/2011
I LOVE LOVE LOVE THE ENDING! I loved the story. It was very well written with few and far between errors. It got a little confusing at the battle scene but it definitely got there. Great story!
Glon Morski chapter 25 . 3/27/2011
That was beautiful. Absolutely spectacular. You so deserve many many more reviews for this. It was frigging amazing. Loved it all the way. Words can't describe how greatful I am for your writing and posting this little treasure. It was plainly amazing and I couldn't get away from it for even a second. Really, great job.
IrisAyame chapter 25 . 1/29/2011
Wow! I liked it! I also like independent women, so I was happy to read about such strong characters.

I really was disgusted with Naraku's doing on Kohaku. You really were... Mary Shelley-esque with this! It's so sad that he dies (Kohaku, not Naraku! )

The only thing I think you could have added in the end is Sesshy's proposal to Rin. It could have been funny!

I also liked the way you wrote your story with links and winks to the "real" story.

That was well done! I'd be looking forward to your next work!
erikittykat chapter 18 . 1/22/2011
Ohh! Rin and Sesshy!i love them!
jaegersdntdream chapter 25 . 1/3/2011
This is one of my favorite fanfiction stories! You had such great use of vocab and adjectives. your m' hero! 3 keep on writing ja
MissieMae chapter 25 . 6/18/2010
Loved it! Couldn't keep my eyes off of it. The plot was great reminiscent of the series and I love the pairings to death.

The development for all of the characters were realistic and what I like the most is that it isn't the typical happy ending.

Love InuKag, that's one hot couple. Love it, love it, love it!
FanggirlX chapter 25 . 4/2/2010
Hi! I just read this whole story today (no school or anything else to tie me up. It was heaven!). I fell in love with the way you wrote your characters and with your writing style in the very first chapter. Thank you so much for writing such an amazing story! It made me laugh and cry and giggle with giddyness with all the great romance. You're an amazing writer and I personally think you are a very brave and wonderful person just based on the little bit I read about you in your ANs. You're actually very inspiring and so I also wanted to thank you for that. You honestly inspired me and in a mostly indirect way showed me how to deal with a fairly similar horrible family issue I am having myself. You basically showed me a lesson I needed to learn and accept. So from the bottom of my heart thank you. I hope you are living much happier now and also sincerely hope that you have many reasons to smile and smile every chance given.

Fanggirlx aka Atty

Heehee, for your unintentional help with me I felt I should use my name.
NurNur chapter 25 . 4/2/2010
Evran chapter 23 . 1/20/2010
I just wanted to say, not only is this an amazing story, very well written and a refreshingly original plot-line; but it is also a very truthful story relating to life. Life doesn't always have happy endings, and the few that do appear are to be treasured, as your story illustrates.

I do have an idea of what you're going through. My boyfriend committed suicide 2/6/06. It was the hardest thing I've ever experienced. I can tell you it gets a little easier every day. I've found encouraging others to get help and telling his story helps me to deal with the pain. I couldn't save him, as I've come to realize with a therapist, and my family and friends' support. But by letting others know about my boyfriend, and the choices he made, I feel it encourages others to seek treatment and helps to erase some of the stimga associated with suicide and mental health.

I hope your writing helps you heal as well.

My thoughts are with you and your brother.
Erika chapter 25 . 1/20/2010
I really enjoyed your story, I hope to see more!
prbly1andnvragin chapter 25 . 11/6/2009
First off, I would like to say that I loved this story. It was very well written. However, a few key words were mistyped through the whole story. Rogue, not rouge-that's makeup. There was something else too, but I can't remember what it was. I thought I'd tell you just for future reference.
Brandy Jay chapter 25 . 10/31/2009
Once again, you've amazed me :] It was perfect. Heart breaking and touching, with just a dab of rough humor. I definitely love the very end, it left the story off with a good note, and it was pretty epic. Lol let's make it a movie! XD
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