Reviews for The kids
ShimpsRock chapter 35 . 3/29/2011

I like your story, hope you continue it!

There are some slight mistakes with some words that sound the same like... quite, quiet, barley and barely.. just watch out... but your story is cool!
Kikidevil17 chapter 35 . 1/30/2007
I just finished this story and I really enjoyed it! I love all the family drama, is so interesting! Thank you for responding back to me about my review. I am glad that you are continuing the Amy story and I hope you get time to look at the other stories. I will be checking everyday for new update. You are the Best!

MKKH chapter 18 . 7/23/2006
awesome! love the wedding dress thing!
77517 chapter 35 . 7/22/2006
"and Rebecca thought this was the time for her and him to get close." - I love her logic! Too funny.

"and had asked Doug to pretend that the 2 of them were not a couple until the trip." - Good strategy. I can't wait to see this all backfire on them. :)

I like Becca's idea to work for Kelly. I can't wait to see how this blows up in her face either. ;) Aww, I was disappointed that it didn't and that she was such a good worker after all.

Ouch, I can't imagine Becca wanting Horace to come so badly that she'd write papers for him. Was he threatening her that he'd tell their parents that Doug was coming? Wouldn't they HAVE to know who's going the trip, being the First Couple and all?

This was a great line: "Mac: I know, but I am their mother I am allowed to get emotional"

"Amy: Will you bring me a present from each State you visit" - So greedy and so in character!
77517 chapter 34 . 7/21/2006
I love how Rod said he liked “Thelma and Louise”! I loved the whole conversation about it that followed:

“Horace: Yeah only cos you used to have a crush on the actress who played Thelma

Mac shot Rod a look, and raised her eyebrow

Rod: She reminded me of your Mother, but your mother is much prettier of course

He smiled at his wife and she smiled back, she knew what he meant she did look a lot like her.”

This was another great part:

“Rebecca went to the pool she had started to read the Da Vinci code and was really enjoying it when she suddenly got splashed, she looked down and saw Amy and Abigail swimming away.

Rebecca: Oh you two better swim fast”

I’m surprised Horace’s schoolwork has improved.
77517 chapter 33 . 7/21/2006
Aww, Mac and Rod were so mean for making the girls go to sleep so soon. Talking all night is what sleepovers are all about!

Becca and Mac’s discussion about drugs reminds me of a similar episode of “The Geena Davis Show.”

This was a great line: “Mac was glad that Amy had slept through it all because she was a nightmare to get to sleep when she woke up.” No pun intended, right? :) I’m glad it was Abigail who interrupted Mac and Rod and not Amy this time.
Dances-With-Chocolate chapter 34 . 7/20/2006
I loved the Thelma and Louise remark! That was so funny!
Lara Cox chapter 34 . 7/18/2006
great chapter!

I loved the "Thelma and Louise" references. That's definitelly Genna's best movie ever...

I hope the twins behave them selves so they can go on those trips they are planning.

keep updating!

ghirl1888 chapter 33 . 7/16/2006
I am really happy that you are reviewing this story again I thought you had maybe stopped the story. It was a really great chapter it is so typical that Abigail wanted her Mom that always happens when you take a young kid away. I hope Horaces essay is really bad I really like it when Mac shouts at him for his bad school work it reminds me of my Mom and my younger brother. I am glad that Becca and Mac had a good mother daughter moment and that Mac admited that she too had taken drugs. It would be funny if Rebecca leaked this to the press or maybe wrote it in her diary and lost it.

obsessedatopia chapter 32 . 7/8/2006
Haha! Good story, CiC doesn't focus on the kids any more which is a shame especially as a brit cos I don't really get a lot of the american politics, but I guess that's not really they're problem :D Anyway, good read!
Lara Cox chapter 32 . 6/28/2006
Good chapter!

Actually... I also had a crush on a guy I barelly knew once, when I was about Becca's age. That's quite common.
77517 chapter 32 . 6/28/2006
Funny - my first ever CiC slide show started with Mac saying, "Rebecca, we need to talk."

I loved these lines:

"Mac: And your drug taking young lady, we are really going to have to do something about that

Rebecca: Mom I am not a junkie"

I loved the bit about Horace being in summer school. Maybe Mac and Rod will decide to make the road trip a reward if he improves his grades. They can hold it over his head like a carrot.
77517 chapter 31 . 6/20/2006
BTW, it took me a while to realize that Abigail was the girl Amy went trick-or-treating with in Episode 5. For some reason I thought she was a character you had invented - like Alana - for the story.

"Rebecca: Have you not left yet" - What a brat! I can't believe both twins are disrespecting their grandmother so much.
77517 chapter 30 . 6/20/2006
I can't believe Becca got picked up by the police and that she drank and smoked pot before that. I love reading Rod scream at the kids, with everything in caps. This was just too funny: "Rebecca: His name is Doug he is so hot (She giggled again)"
77517 chapter 29 . 6/20/2006
I loved how Becca interfered: "Rebecca: I broke his Laptop that it was on"

"Mac: Mothers day is in 3 weeks, she played you Rod, you do know she is going to try and get to his party tonight" - I'm glad Mac was onto her. I can't believe Becca thought she could get away with going to a party after she snuck away from the Secret Service.

I can't believe Horace swore to his grandmother! What a jerk. It should be interesting to see what happens.
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