Reviews for If Nobody Knows ...
Storm13 chapter 15 . 8/6/2002
wow I lvoed this wholes tory...can't beleive i hadn't read it before,. I thought they'd be on opposite teams the whole time or soemthing but this was neat as well.
The Fabulous A.J chapter 15 . 1/29/2002
that is soooo sad, hun. so sad.
WritingMoose chapter 15 . 1/29/2002
Very, very, very nice ending. I loved it. It tied up all the loose ends and everything.
Demona169 chapter 14 . 1/28/2002
Good story! I loved it! Very cool. I liked the ending..
Holly Holiday chapter 14 . 1/28/2002
ohhhhhh AQUA. awsome name...i think scarlett should meet jamie...hes so cute. and she should bond with kurt. uh huh. yup. *noddles enthusiasticly*
Magic Shadow Dragon chapter 13 . 12/30/2001
Awwww. You should have had the other people sign the yearbook, but it's cool that Rogue was the one to sign it.
Holly Holiday chapter 12 . 12/27/2001
ohh...well it isnt, is it? i mean, they are friends...but the girl is beign a spoiled brat, jeez. she needs to deal with shiz.
Peace Angel chapter 10 . 10/4/2001
luv the new chapter. i would've put an exclamation mark there but i'm using only 1 hand to type since i'm holding a bag of chips in my other hand so i can't press shift. anyways, i think this fic is great so far. can't wait for the next chapter. i want to find out what will become of scarlett.
Peace Angel chapter 9 . 9/29/2001
Short but cool chapter! I don't mind the shortness mainly because I've written and seen shorter chapters before. And you mentioned me! Wow, that's never happened before (I think).Anyways, great story so far! Keep going!
Holly Holiday chapter 9 . 9/28/2001
common hello? where are you. woo hoo? that was the shortestg chapter in the universe!
Peace Angel chapter 8 . 9/26/2001
Great so far! I totally luv it! The new mutant powers are very inventive...for me, it would take days and days to think up things like that. Maybe even more. Ah well...enough about me. This story was really good and I have no idea why you haven't gotten more reviews for this fic. Please get chapter 9 out soon!
ThE cRaZy GiRl NeXt DoOr chapter 8 . 9/25/2001
plz add more soon!
Holly Holiday chapter 8 . 9/25/2001
oh oh oh pleaaasssee write more i think i like scarlet more than helen just a little because scarlet is more like me. this story is VERY well thought out, very well mapped and graghed. i love it. you are also a very talented writer! keep up the, great work, Blitz!
Holly Holiday chapter 5 . 9/25/2001
oh common! you know you want to be wit the x men, scarlet! your nota total social outcast like all of the brotherhood losers!
Antigone1 chapter 4 . 6/11/2001 fic...popular...I honestly never thought of it as that...thanx for the mention ) Well, I'm gonna help you in your quest to get more reviews...I thought that your fic was extremely well thought out. Your characters and their powers are not trite as are some others that I have read...not many people take the time to create very interesting abilities for their mutants, but i'm glad to say that you have...And you also succeeded in introducing characters which have depth and make the readers want to read more about them, many authors cannot boast about that...Over all, I'd say your fic is a very enjoyable read! ) Please hurry with the next update...I'll be waiting!)
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