Reviews for Club Vampyr
amandaholley317 chapter 1 . 9/27/2016
I loved this book! it would make a great movie! I remember the first time I read COTN, I was in 8th grade. Since then I've read the book at least 10 times. I have the paperback and the book in my Ibooks. The other night I was wondering if she had ever made a sequel to it. So I goggled and came accrossed this website. I love it! its so nice to see where the characters would have gone. I love this sequel I think you were true to the characters. I even balled my eyes out lol. Is dreams the sequel to this sequel? I've been reading yours through publishing date order. I think this book would top the original COTN. Btw you are the first Arthur I'm reading on this sight, but I'm super impressed by your writing. The Adversaries of the light? I think it is, was good but I didn't really like the ending. How awesome is it that 11 years after you published this, the book is still being read? Isn't the internet amazing.
KezNaa chapter 1 . 2/22/2015
I'm rereading this because it's soo good. I want to see the actual top you used to inspire Kerry or rather Nathaniels white lace up top! Sounds awesome. I've said this before and I'll say it again In my eyes this is the Companion of the Night sequel. Write a sequel to this please. It's sooo good.
KezNaa chapter 23 . 2/21/2015
Review meant for chapter 24 but my tablet freaked out and posted it unfished

i just finished your story and i would like to say that my other review my first review should have said sequel not sexual! and my second review was my confusion over misreading some stuff in that chapter lol. moving on... SO AMAZING! If people really are thinking you are really VVV i can see why! you should contact her and make this in to the official sequel. it was sooooo great. You kept to the true nature of Kerry and Michel so well! Its amazing how well you were able to mimic their personalities and how its truely felt that if the story did go on and have a sequel, that is how Kerry would have been portrayed after 3 years. Please write a sequel for this amazing unoffical Sequel! It drove me crazy that they kept getting interrupted hehe. Michel deserves a little something something especially now that Kerry told him she loved him. I honestly feel I am reading the sequel to the original because now i want a true sequel to this story and i wont be happy unless someone fan fictions your story from where it left off if you wont write one lol.
KezNaa chapter 24 . 2/21/2015
I realized that a) auto correct sucks as my other review was not supposed to say sexual! And b) I do mis read the belle changing part. After finishing the story I have to say that it I by far the best cotn fan fiction I've read! I actually said that on another fan fiction but I sooooo misjudged. If people really think you are VVV I can see why. Please get with her and release this as an official sequel. It was great. I wish it ended more mushy but considering all the out scenes, it's fine. I will probably reread it. I loved how you so perfectly mimicked their personalities an traits. You really are truly tailored at portraying the characters nature true to the original book. I've read other fan fiction that insulted me as a cotn fan since they choose a changed the characters. I loved Nathaniel he's such a sweet heart an Michel was fantastic! Amazing really. Make a sequel to this unofficial sequel
KezNaa chapter 22 . 2/20/2015
I'm reality confused. Didn't Kerry already know Michele chanced Belle? Tim told her, I think don't get why wash is so upset. Is it because she thought he changed her after she died not that she was still alive when it happened? Pm me to let me know please,, I think I may have misunderstood.
KezNaa chapter 4 . 2/20/2015
I think you are keeping true to the character traits so far with Kerry. I've. Been looking for a good fan fictions that felt like a true sexual to the original and so far it does.
Guest chapter 13 . 12/14/2013
Omg. I love this story
Restless Dreaming Spirit chapter 3 . 1/2/2013
I woke up this morning in a Companions of the Night mood.
I felt like re-reading this.
But I think Nathaniel, on the cool scale, I'd have to give him a 9.
He seems pretty awesome to me.

And does that date say 2006?
Wow. How the years go by...
Guest chapter 16 . 12/25/2012
Actually, I expected something like that.
Guest chapter 3 . 12/25/2012
Amazing! Vampires are really cold though, right?
ModernDear chapter 24 . 4/16/2010
I love the way you write Kerry and Michel. You do a great job of maintaining all of the ambiguities of Michel's moral character. And just like in the book Kerry never completely lets herself fall for it.

This story deserves way more than 244 reviews, but because CotN is not a terribly popular book you probably won't get tons more. This is one of the reason why I appreciate authors like you who write awesome fanfics for non-mainstream fandoms. You go through all this effort when you know you'd get way more reviews if you wrote for say Naruto instead. I mean, I do enjoy reading Naruto fanfics, but I love reading a good fanfic from a smaller fandom even more because of how rare they are. I just thought you should know how much I appreciate you :)
city-of-bones-fan chapter 24 . 7/26/2009
why doesn't he say i love you back! :(
Immortal Vows chapter 24 . 7/21/2009
This story is AWESOME! I never read the book but now I am.
Kristy S chapter 24 . 4/12/2009
OMG I couldnt stop reading it! I loved it :) (i wish they would have had sex though) LOL
Trumpet-Geek chapter 1 . 4/4/2009
BY THE WAY... I think you deserve more than a paltry 240 reviews for this fic.

This is my third time reading. So I shall attempt a review for every chapter that hasn't already been reviewed. Because this fic rocks.

Thanks for looking at my essay.

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