Reviews for Little Angel
Dark Fluffy Bunny chapter 31 . 6/4/2012
Plz update, I have stuck with this story for years hoping that you would one day update. This was the first fanfiction I ever read, and is one of the best. Leaving a story at its most suspenceful part is just cruel. Just like what they did with BIONICLE. I always thought your name was bionicle girl because you were a fan. Not because you were just like them.
Mich002fox chapter 31 . 12/6/2007
Very nice! Please continue! DOn't abandon this! *puppy eyes*
Gaara's Pyro RACCOON chapter 31 . 3/29/2007
Dark eye chapter 31 . 11/25/2006
Oh my goodness! Update already!
pokemongirl2523 chapter 31 . 11/9/2006
WHE! I love it! Keep up the good work! Hey, d'you think oyu could make longer chapters? Or just keep 'em short and update often. That works too. As long as it all gets done! keep up the good work! You're doing good!
dragonsrulllz chapter 31 . 8/19/2006
well great fic um i suggest not demand but suggest that mew makes an apperance to it would be so funny one mew two mewtwos lol
Dark wolf chapter 31 . 8/7/2006
Please tell us if your discontinuing this. Or a rather super long update would be nice. Thank you for your inspiring imagination. This story is marvolous..
Sparkling Spirit chapter 31 . 8/3/2006
NnOoPpEe chapter 31 . 8/1/2006
o.0 0.o You said you were gonna let Mewtwo live, so what's the point of asking if he was gonna make it or not? Anyway, this is a cool fic, though I'm still tryin' to figure out where you're gonna go with it.

Thanks for reviewin' my fic, by the way! When I saw it I nearly screamed cuz I was so happy.

Later! Blindy
Dark eye chapter 31 . 7/19/2006
That's it. I waited long enough. I'm leaving this story.
Riley Killer chapter 31 . 7/16/2006
Hahah! I love it! Please try to make your chapters a little longer though! Please update soon!
Dark Wolf chapter 31 . 7/15/2006
U-P-D-A-T-E! Or at least tell us if you abadoned this story!
Dark Spirit chapter 31 . 7/12/2006
Darn it! Update already!
Dark eye chapter 31 . 7/7/2006
HUrry and update! Don't abandon this story!
Sparkling Spirit chapter 31 . 7/6/2006
Go UPdate! NOW! Hurry i'm dieing of suspense!
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