Reviews for Forces of Good
Guest chapter 11 . 10/28/2017
I love this. And I can totally link you up with th comics if you want to read those. They’re on season 11 right now.
twin who likes to travel chapter 11 . 10/27/2017
Wow, that is definitely a long time between updates. I think after a few years, people start considering a story dead or abandoned. Any idea of how many more chapters are left until it's done?
twin who likes to travel chapter 6 . 10/27/2017
You did a good job with showing how judgmental Buffy could be towards Faith. And I forgot to ask you something in the previous review. What about the Ducati motorcycle she used to get to L.A.? What happened to that since you went canon with Faith and Willow coming back together in the car?
twin who likes to travel chapter 5 . 10/27/2017
I'm still liking this story, but you should probably fix the various mistakes in spelling and grammar. It makes it look a little sloppy.
twin who likes to travel chapter 1 . 10/27/2017
As I've told other authors, I like it when we get see some Dark Willow. Other than the few spelling errors, the only thing I didn't like is at the beginning where you had Faith let herself get occasionally beat down. I get the part about her not wanting to lose it again on a human, but couldn't she protect herself just enough for the others to know not to mess with her? I like how you had Faith get Willow to stop by using her emotions, like the way Xander did with a childhood memory on the show.
Anon chapter 7 . 10/26/2017
Bit of a continuity error here, Giles said Faith was released those cops should not have been looking for her.
Jap5 chapter 10 . 10/3/2016
Hello! I've been wondering through fanfic again and re-read your story- great stuff! I saw your 2016 update, congrats! I hope you're having a blast with your career. I was also in college around the time you were updating regularly. It's funny to see how we are grown professionals now.

I'm happy to see you're back. I look forward to your return to fanfic.
texican chapter 10 . 2/28/2011
Looks like this story has been abandoned and that's just a shame. A fic this good deserves an ending. :(
Lazielow chapter 10 . 2/1/2010
Good job !

Please hurry up with next chapter.
Cassienova chapter 10 . 7/25/2009
I hope you decide to pick this story back up and finish it, because I just found this story and I think it's awesome.
LivinginBedlam chapter 10 . 4/12/2009



Cliffhanger! . So mean.

Really awsome job though! D
LivinginBedlam chapter 8 . 4/12/2009
Aw, i don't like that Spike is kinda like the bad guy.

But i still love the story D
LivinginBedlam chapter 7 . 4/12/2009
Aws, i hated that bit. Poor Faith.
LivinginBedlam chapter 5 . 4/12/2009
tehehe Faith totally unfazed by the chick bleedin on the road.

I love this story though, reading it, its like it really happened, because for some reason i can just see Faith going to SunnyD, helping with Willow, dissapearing, helping with Angel, then going back to SunnyD, coz the majority of it happened, but even the stuff that didn't still seems real xD and i'm not making ANY sense XD. oh well. Still a totally kick ass story.
LivinginBedlam chapter 1 . 4/12/2009
*claps* Woo!

Love it! D

tehehe i ADORE Evil Willow, she's too amazing.

Great job! Really really awsome *rushes to next chapter*
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