Reviews for The Tale of a Broken Heart
sarcasticsuperheroes chapter 18 . 9/15
After rewatching season 4 of Gilmore Girls (it's 2020 I needed some comfort), I had the yearning to come and read one of my favourite fics of all time. It took some searching (and some difficult remembering of passwords), but I found it.

I don't even know if you check your comments anymore, but I wanted to let you know that I absolutely love the world you built in the story! I love how it sticks close to the season 4 storyline, but feels like yours. The inclusion of Robert and Isolde and the relationship they all have has me intrigued. I would love to know what happens next (especially since you seemed so excited to write it), but understand that you've moved on (it has been 11 years), I'll just have to use my imagination.

I hope you're happy, healthy, and safe wherever you are. And thank you for sharing your stories with us, even all these years later.
olgaaznarez1 chapter 18 . 7/19
Would love to see if you update the story it’s intriguing and the whole thing of being overseas in Fiji over a year that would kill me but hey you’re good at the stories coupon please update with this one
EsmeeFanfictionLover chapter 18 . 5/8
update please
Rose chapter 1 . 3/29
I feel in love with this incompleteness lol it was beautiful story wish I knew how it ended.
LissaP chapter 18 . 3/24
This has to be the best Rory/Finn story I have read! I pray you find your way to finishing it.
nightnovice chapter 18 . 7/5/2019
This was so good, I hate that it is abandoned.
jh0426 chapter 1 . 2/6/2019
this is an amazing story. I would love to read what comes next
Sammyl1440 chapter 18 . 5/8/2018
Please please please finish this I want more sooo bad
MyNameIsAngel chapter 18 . 4/24/2018
Can you please update?
Goldenbassets chapter 18 . 4/17/2018
Oh wow this story has been so very good. I’m heartbroken that it ends here.

Do Rory and Finn fix things?

I love how protective Robert and Colin are over Rory. She needs some good friends. I want Finn to understand that, release some jealousy. I want to know why Robert punched Bobby.

Does Rory get inducted with Robert sponsoring?

I love this story!
Goldenbassets chapter 15 . 4/16/2018
I love despising Logan. Just feels good. I’m ok with Finn cutting him out. And Colin too. C’mon home boys. Let Logan get STD’d up in Fiji alone.

I love that Michel. And Kirk. What crazy nut jobs they both are
Goldenbassets chapter 13 . 4/16/2018
Wow so good. So much happened.

Logan, ugh. I’ve never liked you and I like you even less now.

Colin and Lane make me squee! Oh so cute! Phone stealer is going to get his girl!

Finn, every time you beg her to ask you to stay I want to cry! And then hit Rory over the head and scream: demand he stays!

Tristan and Steph make me happy, bickering and blonde, perfect together.

Who is Paris going to end up with? She needs her happily ever after!
Goldenbassets chapter 9 . 4/16/2018
I think they’re right Finn...

Do Colin and Lane hit it off? Please tell me they do, I think they’d be adorable together.
Goldenbassets chapter 6 . 4/16/2018
I like that while Lorelai worries about Rory in this society lifestyle she isn’t trying to immediately talk her out of it. I hated how she did that in the show. Not allowing Rory to decide for herself. Rory always seemed drawn to it, golfing with Richard, coming out with the stupid fan dance and all.
Goldenbassets chapter 5 . 4/16/2018
Ahh Finn is a perfect gentleman.

Has Logan secretly fallen for Rory too? Is that why he’s an ass to her? Going back to pulling her pigtails on the playground tactics that failed Tristan at Chilton?
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