Reviews for The Greatest of These
Convenient Alias chapter 7 . 11/11/2016
This story is great. Peter would sacrifice himself for Edmund, and I think it's touching that Edmund only really realizes how much Peter loves him after this sacrifice. The ending is also great, where Peter admits he was scared and says he didn't want his siblings to see his sacrifice. And of course, it's a heartbreaking story as well-though you can kind of guess that Aslan won't just leave things be.
bellachaos chapter 7 . 7/18/2010
Good story. I was curious as to how you would handle Peter's death, but you did it (and the Biblical allusions of the original work) justice.
chocolatelover1 chapter 7 . 1/5/2010
Aw _

Loved it. Even if it did make me cry lol
BlackFeatherz29 chapter 7 . 3/11/2009
Your story is brilliant. Nothing else I say will suffice.

I've read this about three times now... I can't stop rereading it. It's so beautiful... It's one of those stories that feels like it's going to stay with you forever and you'll never forget it because it feels like there's a big empty hole in your stomach... haha, I'm rambling so much. And of course you know it; you're the author.

LOL But I seriously, this story is just... indescribable. Thank you so much for writing it.
DEACTIVEDUSER chapter 1 . 7/6/2008
I loved,loved,loved this story!It was so insightful of you to wonder of what IF Aslan had left Peter to make the tore my soul though to think that Lucy blamed Edmund when Peter died.I got confused around the why peter couldnt come back, i got it in the story! D
Peace Like a River chapter 7 . 11/6/2007
Loved this story! :) I started bawling my eyes out sometime during the third chapter, I think, and I didn't let up until the very end, lol. You know, I've always thought of Aslan's sacrifice as being the heart of the first book, and so I wasn't sure if it could possibly work out any other way. But your story was so credible, the way everything worked out. At first, I was afraid your Aslan was coming across as cruel and manipulative (in other words, everything we know he's not) but then when he explains everything to Lucy at the Stone Table, about why he had to leave and why Peter had to die, everything clicked and I (just like Lucy, I suppose) accepted that Aslan knew exactly what he was doing. And then just when I come to grips with the fact that Peter's gone for good, BAM! You bring him back! (Tsk, tsk, tricksy author. Though I probably should have seen that coming, lol...) The only thing I found to complain about was that it seemed like your story needed a fluffier, sappier ending between Peter and Edmund. It didn't seem like they had enough closure, or that Edmund was upset enough. One the one hand, I suppose that's exactly the way guys normally act; they try to be all tough or whatever, but on the other hand, those two aren't just normal boys anymore, they're kings. Add that to the fact that their experiences in the past twenty-four hours alone are sufficient to leave them emotionally scarred for life, and well, they (or maybe just Edmund, at least) should be far more shaken-up than they appear to be in the end. A couple of "I love you"'s wouldn't have hurt, either. :) Other than that, love this fic. Enough of my babble, lol, I need to put this directly in my favorites!
Jada Ryl chapter 7 . 2/17/2007
I really, really liked this fic. Would it be ok with you for me to put it on a website I'm making with a friend, as long as we credit you for it?
Kat Kat B chapter 7 . 2/1/2007
This story freakin' rocked! Hope to see more stories from you!
M. Iris Alicea chapter 5 . 11/26/2006
I like this chapter as well. I don't remember the centaurs' names, so I'm guessing you made them up. If so, good job! and I like the vocab here as well. I think I'm in love with your story! I'd print it if I could, but I can't so it's just as well. CONGRATULATIONS!

M. Iris Alicea chapter 7 . 11/26/2006
I've read several parts of your story over again, twice or three times today! You have Christine Writer to thank for that, since she mentioned you in her story. I read some of the other reviews, as well. You have incredible vocabulary, but I had to read the reviews and the chapters again to realize it. I enjoy such vocab, but my writing isn't nearly as polished as these 7 chapters. Bravo!

Good detail on chap 3 and my favorite is 7. True honesty. I applaud you!

hiddenhorcrux chapter 7 . 10/29/2006
What a wonderful story! You can definately write very well.

If its possible, please continue with a SEQUEL!
Russa chapter 7 . 6/14/2006
Hi! Wow, great chapter and a nice ending to the story. It was very touching. Peter and Edmund really care for each other alot, though they may not show it most of the time. But this time they justb had to because Narnia is saved and they all right and together. I almost wished you included them all being crowned Kings and Queens (best part of the story), but the ending was very nice anyway. Great Job! I like how you used a bit of C.S Lewis's style in your writing. I just have to add this story to my favourites. Again, well done. Good luck with your other stories and I'll catch ya later. Ciao
Inkbug chapter 1 . 6/8/2006
Wonderful! I've read the entire thing all the way through several times now and its very well one of the best Narnia AU's I've ever read _
Nella chapter 5 . 6/5/2006
It begins! And this is your 100th review!
Nella chapter 4 . 6/3/2006
GREAT chapter ending there! Loved it! Too bad I have to go now. I will finish it on Monday.
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