Reviews for Sonic Bio Terror
mynameisthedoctor chapter 1 . 8/17/2011
This is not a review but a question. Who watches both Guyver and Sonic X? They seem incongruous... mutually exclusive. Guyver is a very good but somewhat obscure show. Only people nowadays who watch it are willing to pay for their anime AND are probably already into the old show or seen the forgettable live action American movies made in the nineties. So your average Guyver fan is a twenty or thirty something anime enthusiast. Sonic X however came to the states with a terrible dubbing, censoring, and awful replacement soundtrack. I heard a rumor that the original uncensored Japanese dub with it's original score was watchable but I didn't bother to watch it. It aired in the U.S. after the twothousands so the only people who would watch it were too young to be annoyed by it's short comings. Now I may be giving little kids too much credit (or 4kids dubbing too little credit) but I'd say the American viewership was under ten years old. Even Anime enthusiasts who like anime just because it's anime or like things from japan just because that makes it seem exotic have standards. I Honestly can't see twenty something guys watching more than a few episodes. And little kids would have never heard of the guyver and if they heard about it from an anime fan their parents wouldn't let them watch it because it would be too violent. So what made you a fan of both of these things? Did I underestimate Sonic X's Japanese dub and it's super special awesome to even twenty somethings or are you young and discovered Guyver by accident or what?
Evil Riggs chapter 1 . 7/5/2007
His Cereal Number, eh.

DemonShifter chapter 1 . 6/3/2007
sorry, but this seems fairly crap.

Again, sorry.
Wingless Rain chapter 4 . 1/1/2007
What the hell is this?

How can you bastardize something as great as The Guyver?

Wingless Rain chapter 1 . 9/12/2006

No, no, no. No.

Ken Wise chapter 3 . 5/12/2006
Nice one.
Ken Wise chapter 2 . 5/4/2006
Dude nice. Power to the GUyver fans
Em0tionally UnStAbL3 chapter 1 . 4/12/2006
Nice Story loved It! Check Out my new Shadow Fic when you get a chance! Laterz!