Reviews for Raftel: Redux
Summer Memory chapter 3 . 4/19/2008
G-GREAT FIC! You've done an awesome job!That was very good you know!I felt bad for luffy,,i havent read the first raftel you talked about but i am going to read it!This fic was very very very good!
Duzzie chapter 3 . 7/22/2006
And yet another breath-taking installment. I wonder, sometimes, how it is possible for you to make me feel the deepest sadness for Luffy, love where the story is going, and admire the way you write, all in one? I believe, this is a rare talent while writing in the One Piece fandom, and I congratulate you for it _ I really do love your fanfictions, escpecially the Raftel series(new and old) I am so glad to have found a writer like you on Love it, love it, love it.
Saiyako chapter 3 . 7/7/2006
I can't believe I missed this chapter until now...

Don't worry about the delay... it just makes the pain sharper when you come back to it, and that's good for this fic... Not that I need it sharper - it's painful enough as it is. And beautiful.

Luffy screaming about promises is probably the best moment. I could see and hear that so easily...

And the song... gah! That was like a punch to the gut, because I associate it with Kuina and... I just... hurt... so that was a perfect moment, too...

It's beautiful, Kanthia-chan. It's all beautiful.
Griever5 chapter 3 . 6/30/2006
Thanks for your new chapter! Makes me feel like crying... poor Luffy. *grips head between hands and falls over* This is beautiful. *sobs*
Saiyako chapter 2 . 5/2/2006
Yay, extra bits! I love the island with the mysterious poses, and the way they get that one last chance to turn back, and the reference to what Chopper left at the Marine Base... And that they called the island Merry made me want to cry...

I love the new version of Luffy's and Usopp's and Nami's thoughts at the - what would you call it? Ceremony? Oathtaking? I don't know if there's a word for writing stuff on the ship's head... and I love Robin's thoughts there, too. And Zoro's line about God not wanting swords in Heaven is awesome, although there are a couple of his lines in the original that I miss. But the new stuff is awesome too.

And, oh, I could probably bring up a dozen throwaway references to canon that are just beautifully done, but I'd pretty much have to quote the whole chapter... your style is just that good.

The ending... is perfect.

And the alternate ending made me LOL!

Just a language thing I thought I should mention - when Zoro calls Mihawk "Takanami", I think you mean "Taka no me". Otherwise he's calling him "Hawk Wave", not "Hawkeye".
Griever5 chapter 2 . 5/1/2006
I have absolutely no words to describe how AWESOME THIS IS! Your new chapter really made my day! (Or night). . It's so... *squeals, dies* I love everything! Every word that is printed on this page spilling into my mind makes me into a rabid crazy fangirl! Thank you! Hope for another chapter soon. D

*cries at the beauty of it all*
Digitaldreamer chapter 2 . 5/1/2006
Ah, Kanthia, I always love your writing so. It's like reading poetry even though it's not really a poem. Everything flows so beautifully, it makes me happy.

Ah, but the saddness that comes near! ;-; It makes Digi sad because she remembers how the original ended. You can already sort feel the saddness here, the feeling that everyone's getting old and soon, very soon, the crazy adventure is going to end.

The bit where everyone writes their dreams down is perfect. It just...wah...there's no words for it.

And the DOOM towards the end! Now I'm all anxious to see how this all turns out...

geko-blackjack chapter 2 . 5/1/2006
Just... wow. I was in tears during the first chapter.

The second chapter was brilliant. Zoro thinking about Mihawk and Kuina in heaven, the decision to follow the 'mystery pose', Chopper's aging; all awesome.

The ending gave me chills, too. 'They were pointed to Raftel. They were going to die.' Such a fantastic line.

I loved this version of Raftel even more than the original. Brilliant work!

Oh, and thanks for the alternate ending. As much as I love angst, humour always wins through with me. :D
Sarkastisk chapter 2 . 5/1/2006
wow... *cries again* those last lines was so.. to hard to say with mere words, it was great!
Saiyako chapter 1 . 4/11/2006
Oh. OH. I thought I had no more tears for this fic, but I can see now this is gonna be rougher than last time, ne?

It's all awesome... that ultraviolet style, the leaf, the way he hurts at the word nakama, the way he can't be mad at the sea, the way scars remind him of Zoro...

Oh, Kanthia-chan... This is amazing.
Duzzie chapter 1 . 4/10/2006
I loved Raftel the first time. It was beautifully written, otherworldly dark, and filled with dreams and hopes of many different kinds that promises would be kept, but in the end, died with the people that made them. When I saw the title of this new "Raftel" my breath hitched in my throat, and there was something there that I can not quite explain. Your writting is inspirational, and sad, and literally breath taking. I believe that "Raftel: Redux" is written just as astonishingly great as all of your other works, and already I am in love with it. I can not wait for more chapters (and new stories) to come, however, I hope that you will not delete your first "Raftel" for that was the story that began (and ended) everything. I will never find a writter quite like you, and am so glad that you take your time to share these great pieces with reviewers/readers like myself.

Forever a fan,

Sarkastisk chapter 1 . 4/10/2006
wow... this just caught me... I.. I don't know what to say...

*cries* and I still don't know why I am crying.. I can't see myself as the crying type.. but still...
Griever5 chapter 1 . 4/9/2006
*sobs sobs* I love this! This is awesome! It's amazing! I really enjoyed reading this rewritten thingy... it's awesome! Ahh... Raftel... *sobs*