Reviews for Those Magic Changes Original
DragonCurse4 chapter 17 . 4/30/2018
Sad you never finished this.
Admiral Lypten T. Jones III chapter 17 . 6/3/2016
Hey so this was a pretty great read, and even though it's been like 8 years, I'd like to see more :)
Guest chapter 1 . 7/1/2015
PLEASE omg please whenever you have time or are up for it please continue the story! I know its been 7 years...but oh my god i havnt seen a jak and daxter story as good as this, i honestly like this plot line better, its the way jak 2 should of been, i got really annoyed with how jak and keira were reunited but you made up for it all *sobs into phone* your flow in the story is fantastic and the depths for the emotions jak and keira go thru is just what i needed to see after playing the series again.
Katpet chapter 1 . 1/16/2015
We'll you have a great unfinished story but I suppose 7 years is too late to pick it back up again... NO NEVER. Lol nice story and feel free to pick it back up again!;)
FrostByterFang chapter 17 . 12/15/2013
I had read this story with an eagerness I never thought I had. You have made me laugh and gasp at the right times and the pace of this story is amazingly executed to say the least. You did have a pair of spelling errors brought upon by hurried typing I wager, but a couple of the words are smashed together in this or another chapter but nothing more. I cannot wait for the update!

Just make sure you capture Errol's reaction to all this soon; I can't picture the rage he must be in; so much so it would put in an mutinous stupor! LOL

I support the writing, so keep at it!
FrostByterFang chapter 15 . 12/15/2013
Daxter's drunk talk is hilarious. I bet the spell-checker on your computer was in a frenzy trying to let Dax's slur pass as a dialogue, let alone a coherent sentence!

Let's read on. :)
FrostByterFang chapter 10 . 12/15/2013
I feel a review for every chapter of this perfect fic is in order. Your astounding hand at writing makes the experience and impression that this game has left all the more exciting and enchanting to feel. I have probably said this before but I'm a critic in what I read or see but I do not see anything wrong with this story or how it flows. It's amazing and your vocabulary is extensive enough for a mature feel of the tale all the while preserving what is going on. It deserves a place in my favorites list.

Keep on at it!
FrostByterFang chapter 9 . 12/15/2013
They way you described that physco commander is PERFECT in every way. You certainly have a talent for this.
FrostByterFang chapter 8 . 12/15/2013
I never thought about this whole eco channeling issue with Jak... Come to think of it, that actually makes sense. Great chapter by the way.
FrostByterFang chapter 7 . 12/15/2013
You're really freaking magnificent at writing this. I urge you to keep at it.
FrostByterFang chapter 4 . 12/13/2013
Your vivid descriptions and flow of events without any grammatical errors are enthralling in the very least; I'm absolutely hooked at this more in-character, albeit modest novelization of one of my personal all-time favorite games! I shall keep on reading my friend. I like Ryker and Vivian as well, and as to your description of Krew, that was quite possibly the most easily executed and best written interpretation of him I have ever seen. I shall inform you I have a tendency to critique, but I have found nothing of any glaring error yet.

I shall read on. :)
DarkEcoFreak chapter 17 . 11/11/2012
OH NO! It's not finished! But it's SOOO GOOD! I absolutely LOVE THIS STORY! PLEEEEEASE FINISH!
PrayerGirl chapter 17 . 8/22/2012
Okay, this is amazing! And why'd you have to bring complication number one back into the story!? And leave off right here!? PLEASE OH PLEASE continue! This story is too good and awesome to leave unfinished! You're almost done anyway, right? PLEASE FINISH!
Azurii chapter 17 . 8/27/2011
I like this story it is pretty awesome. i have been reading it for about two hours and I really do like it. I've also found that the Jak games could become a story and the way you have told it so far makes me agree more.

You've added characters to make it more you and even switched the story line up a bit. I really do like and I just wish you could u;date this soon as I want to know the ending of it.
fluffi-dinosaur chapter 17 . 7/2/2011



Now! D:
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