Reviews for Hair of the Dog
wijnrue chapter 1 . 5/23/2017
I was LMAO the whole time that I was reading this! I especially loved the part where Renji said Rukia's been putting her mouth in weird places. Oh gosh, the hilarity of picturing a jealous boy! I'm wondering now if his message ever reached Byakuya or... XD

Thank you for the nice read!

P.S. Urahara and Yoruichi stole the definite moments of the story for me.
ScottAZ chapter 1 . 11/23/2014
Touching and hilarious, at the same time.
Quickslice chapter 1 . 1/9/2014
Bah! I wonder what Byakuya said.
HibiscusAngel15 chapter 1 . 7/16/2013
Aw, I feel so bad for Renji! This is probably exactly how he feels in the anime/manga about letting Rukia go like he did, even if it was to help her.

XDD Oh no, Urahara and Yoruichi took him drinking! XDDD Geez, then they made him talk about everything while he was drunk! He even admitted to loving Rukia. And geez, Yoruichi gets weird when she drinks. XDDDD

o-o Renji...why did you send that Hell Butterfly to Byakuya? You idiot... *face palm* XDD And he just had to say that Rukia was putting her mouth in weird places?! That sounds so wrong.

I'm glad he's trying to get past his love for Rukia though, especially when he told Ichigo to take care of her.

Of course Isshin had to find him... XDD He nearly hurled in his car! XDDD It's good Renji was too drunk to notice that Isshin drove him to Urahara's place. XD

O_O That Hell Butterfly flew in when he thought he hadn't done anything embarrassing. XDDD Nice timing! I wish I could hear his reaction! XDD

Good fic! I could really imagine Renji doing all of this!
SayoShihoinXKohAyamerei chapter 1 . 1/6/2013
Poor Renji. It's okay. There are a few thousand fangirls willing to help you *ahem* FORGET Rukia.
Kurama's Foxy Rose chapter 1 . 10/4/2012
Sequel, sequel! I wanna hear Byakuya's response!
the general girl chapter 1 . 3/11/2012
Ahahahaa, I remember reading this on LJ, and it's still as hilarious (and heart-breaking as per poor Renji) now as it was then.

*really wants to see Byakuya's message/reaction*

Thank you for the wonderful fic!
Alaude2019 chapter 1 . 3/19/2011
I can't believe you ended it there, I so want to know what happens next haha.

Anyway, it was a nice story, but so sad too (even though I prefer IchiRuki, I totally love Renji and feel so bad for him in things like this). I loved the drunk message to Byakuya though, as well as the frustration and realism in that sense.
AketchiDragon chapter 1 . 6/25/2009
Renji's drunken message is the epitome of funny. I wish they would do something like that in the series; I would kill to see Byakuya's reaction as well as his message.
staidwaters chapter 1 . 5/26/2009
poor, poor Renji...(giggles)
xi.writes chapter 1 . 11/17/2008
I know I've raved about the remarkable sensitivity in your writing before, but hell - I'm gonna say it again!

So many authors deal with the whole unrequited love business by making their characters wallow in self-pity and angst (which is all very well and good - and some can actually be quite brilliant, but, well, it does lose its originality after awhile).

But this - this was one heck of a fic! I love the humourous angle, and how deceptively light-hearted it all was. Poor Renji. My heart goes out to the luckless man. _

Definitely going on my favourites list.
Raving Psychotic chapter 1 . 9/22/2008
'and HEY YEAH Byakuya would want to know about this!'

HAHAHA, there will be hell to pay, Ichigo.

Drunk Renji is insanely funny. Especially because his non-sensical drunken message is directed at BYAKUYA, the most uptight noble prick there is. I can only imagine his reaction, both for Renji's drunken state AND the statement about his sister...

Poor Renji. *pat* Don't worry, you look more like a hawt gangster than a stray dog
kerumica chapter 1 . 6/21/2008
Aw! Poor baby :(
Inuki chapter 1 . 5/18/2008
LOL, so sad it's a Renji's expense but the story was hilarious. I hope you write Byakuya's reaction next.
SevenTreasuresxxx chapter 1 . 1/21/2008
Lawl, yes yes yes! Maybe Byakuya will get Ichi upside the head! xDD! I really like RukiaRenji, but the fact that he is not sad and emo is good enough to not break ma heart! LAWL! Urahara and Yoruichi are the best! This story nearly killed me with laughter and pity for Ren!
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