Reviews for Broly Lives On
Anshuman Bajpai chapter 10 . 7/17/2014
It is disheartening to have lost such a great saiyan warrior and not wishing to get him back ! Broly.
Psaro chapter 5 . 12/12/2013
Lssj Broly is 9'3
gaerw5jstjw46j chapter 6 . 10/5/2012
Awesome story but...broly is a tad out of character, emphasis! Your story is awesome! Please don't be offended in what in going to say. Broly is the most powerful being EVER. And for him to be amazed at ultra super sayin 3 goku is out of character. He technically is the strongest. If he maintains his legendary super sayin form, his power will eventually rise higher than goku's but you know about the two movies he appears in, I don't count the third one, he Is unbeatable largly until goku manages to get enough energy to tempearily put him outof commision, and the second movie the way they beat him well, that was just lazy writing for the guys that made the movie, I mean they weren't even in super sayin, but hey, try had to end it somehow with the good guys winning, but main point, he THE most powerful guy ever! It's out of character for him to be amazed at goku's puny power, because he will always be able to become more powerful than him even if he manages to ascend into greater power. broly is my favorite character, please don't make him a big sofety, and what I mean by that is things like being amazed at someone's elses power, and quivering in fear, and begging for mercy and other things that will make him look like a wimp, and etc. The other examples are something I just list, I'm not saying it's in your story and I sure do hope it's not. Any way great story, and how about you make a story, Where broly comes back after his second defeat, finds goku and is about to kill him and the planet, but Bulma used her restraining rings, they are solid light enimating blue, like hat a kamehameha blast color looks like, she activates them they fly over to broly and attach themselves over his arms and any portion of his exposed legs, given that some of his clothing got blown off, just some! NOT ALL. It restrains his power so much, and his ki attack he charged up disappears and he is in his normal fo still hating goku's guts. Vegeta comes in kicks him sways much to his surprise on how weak broly is now, and gives a senzu bean to goku. Next day broly awakes from unconsciousness sees goku, gets enraged, but can't power up in any way and I his normal form. He repeadly punches goku in te face who doesn't flinch and or course yells out his name, kakarot. He eventually restrains broly by getting vegeta to hold him down. He eentuallu gets him to talk about why he hates him so much. He eventually tells him, with seething anger. Goku has a shocked anime look to see the minute reason why broly hates him so much * if you don't know why he hates goku, just google it, it's real easy to find out why* as a few more days pas on where broly tries to beat up goku whenever he sees him * this is where you come in and wrote the chapters to cover all of this to give it humor and an in depth setting and etc. And I don't forget a prolouge, don't be afraid to write super long chapters, turst me peopl. Love those, just gotta make them interesting * goku let's say at the shack house on the island with broly trying so hard to beat goku into a pulp but can't even getxhim to budge, and here's where a little seriousness comes in, he punches goku repeadly in the torso and his knuckles start to bleed, goku feels sorry for him as more blood is slowly flowing out of broly's hand. I'm gonna fast forward here, goku eventually gets broly to stop all of this notion and finally gets him to release his grudge. But he still retains his unique character ok, you know the way he talks, never gets afraid, never gets amazed at anything, the most probably will be "interesting" he might say and follow up with a snark remark, his character is similar to vegeta bit don't make it exact, he has a unique character of his own. Eventually as he releases his grudge and no longer is a bloodthirsty killer, the rings, which are supressong his ki fall of due to the special sensors that can interpret if he is truly done away with his rampaging killing ways, and after that is up to you. If you decide to take my ideas of this story and write it, I'll supple you with ideas to help keep it going. I rember one author wrote a story with 90 chapters that were fairly long each and individual 0-0 so don't hold back on a good story. You keep fueling the fire and write more chapters for it. Ps. I know u haven't written anything, but I'm having troubles, I'm only allowed to use my computer for school only and nothing else, so I'm unable to write bu I caN read the stories on my phone. I am a highly experienced writter please message me. I really want get with you to discuss great story ideas.
Nathan Wood chapter 10 . 8/4/2012
I kinda wish that brolga sacrifice wasn't in vein and he won so it wasn't another majin vegeta fiasco but all in all good story
Kazuha-sama chapter 10 . 6/15/2007
It's a sad fiction... but I like it!
Kenrai chapter 10 . 8/16/2006
A short yes. But it will be leading up to: "A Saiyan Nightmare." :p Heh heh heh.
The Devil Deity chapter 9 . 7/2/2006
Amazing... I'm not even a big fan of DBZ... and I LIKE IT! O_O
Kenrai chapter 9 . 7/2/2006
Dark. I love it so MUCH! An excellent ending to the main enemy of the three Fics. :p I suggest you continue with fics based more on Dark themes later. Would well suit ye. :p

Your scotch bro - Kenrai
Kenrai chapter 8 . 7/1/2006
STILL ALIVE? JESUS CHRIST! After that explosion too. O_o Aw man. It's Buu all over again. :p Oh and btw same thing happened there. :p I almost felt like I was watching the fight. o_o lol Weird I know. :p Kick ass Chappy. ;)

- Your scotch bro Kenrai
Kenrai chapter 7 . 7/1/2006
GROLY! BRILL! I LOVED IT! Tense. Next chappy soon plz. :p Keep in mind I won't see ye for like. 6 weeks. :p
Kenrai chapter 6 . 7/1/2006
Whoa. O_o I thought for SURE that Broly would've owned the bastard. :p Ah well. Light always wins. There will be a way. :p All in all KICK ASS CHAPPY! Well worth the wait.

Your Scotch bro

- Kenrai
Kenrai chapter 5 . 7/1/2006
Aw that was nice o' ye Croc. :p Cheers mate. Anyway nice little prelude to Spinta. :p Until next time! :p

- Your scotch bro Kenrai
gokuspasm chapter 4 . 6/29/2006
update soon. I like this story but the chapters are so short. but how cares right later.
captain deoxys chapter 4 . 6/29/2006
THis is a cool story and you should contine. If you finish, you should make a sonic/dbz crossover. That would be fun.
Kenrai chapter 4 . 6/29/2006
WHY DOESN'T BROLY JUST PWN GOKU? o_O Wimp. :p Well we'll see. I wonder who this figure is that's like S kai only 'richer' eh? :p
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