Reviews for Dreaming of Yolei
Megan chapter 1 . 6/25/2015
Ken you fail the 'ask her out' test.
earan chapter 1 . 1/31/2007
This is funny. As in, really funny. As in, you manage to pull it off perfectly even by using the most seemingly random (are they? Or are they actually representing something? See what you're doing, you're making me analytical) scenes. They make no sense, but you still keep it together. There wasn't a moment while reading this where I was smiling and never wanted it to end. And for that, I give you 2 thumbs up.

I'm also adding this to my favourites.
caithzadz chapter 1 . 11/17/2006
ken the jerk! he didn't ask her out! anyway... this is really funny... i mean joe and tai in dresses... kari taking over the digital world... that digimon with the long name... good one!
NeoMythic chapter 1 . 7/21/2006
I started reading this fic thinking, "This better be worth it". I hate fics that take forever to make a tiny point, but you don't screw around. If I had to describe this fic in two words; they would be, "Cult Classic". I laughed out loud at Davis with the monocle. Kari's "design" reminds me of the Wal-Mart interprise. I laughed at the fighting music that accompanied the Digimon eating the "killer snacks". As did Joe's and Tai's having dresses. I love the piece of paper that is in love with Ken. From begining to end, using a unique combination of comedy and imagery, this story constantly entertains. Even at it's highest point of seriousness this story manages to be funny. You also capture perfectly the senslessness that is dreaming. The ridiculous and outragous situations that Ken goes through to get to Yolei is a perfect way to show what he'd do for her. This fic is one of my few favorites. Kudos, dude.
Akiko-chan chapter 1 . 7/14/2006
Loved it! Like theothers said; I loved the way he kept digivolving! Usually fanfics like these make me go to sleep, but yours kept me awake!
jaded image chapter 1 . 6/14/2006
"Presuming the chromatype of the opposing combatants without a prior visual confirmation is veritably fallacious."

That has got to be one of the smartest sounding sentences I've ever read. I feel like I've got to use it some time, and I will, if ever I get a chance to scold my opponent for being presumptious.

Anywho, I liked this. It was totally crazy from beginning to end, but I liked it anyway. I just sorta wished that Ken actually made that call.
noble lion chapter 1 . 4/26/2006
this was not only cute but funny too. keep up the good work.
Appaku chapter 1 . 4/1/2006
*giggling* I am SO tickled by this fan fic. I had my doubts at first, seeing as dream-fics can get so stupid. But you pleasantly surprised me. It flowed really well, and it was easy to keep up with Ken and his strange plights. His little reactions to things were priceless, especially with the dresses. XD

Some things I really liked:

1. Wormmon's attitude towards Ken's dallying and babbling was dang-on. I really sympathized with the little guy.

2. Digidinodalimon's name. At first, I thought "hey, the author must have had a typo or something," but once the pattern got going, it was priceless. Especially when Ken didn't even have to be prompted on the name changes.

3. I'm a big Kenyako fan, but not all that much of a romance person. But those scenes with Yolei were so sweet! I could picture it all perfectly, and I wanted to gush at how pretty it all was for Ken. The coming out of the wall scene was such a nice touch. _

And to top it all off, there was an ironic ending. XD This was a good, good fic. It's definitely being added to my favorites.
WerewolfCookie chapter 1 . 3/31/2006
I liked how he kept Digivolving. It was funny. I enjoyed the whole thing :)
gaaraslover92 chapter 1 . 3/31/2006
Interesting, it kinda reminded me of Scary Movie, in an awkward Digimon sense. I liked it, for all it was kinda weird, and I don't really see a point in what it was, and why did (Jesus forbid I even attempt to type it all!) dinoalimon keep Digivolving. (on the inside)?