Reviews for Mother
mandy1324 chapter 1 . 6/3/2013
I almost cryed! so sad but so good ! Think I need to go a hug my mama now! .
Yoko Fujioka chapter 1 . 3/12/2011
this is so sad...poor Takao, I'm glad kai was there for him to give him support. I was kind of rooting for them to kiss, but that would have kind of ruined the moment, wouldn't it? *sweat drop*
Evci chapter 1 . 7/7/2010
Its sad, nicely writen.
Past Tense- Kariya Yoshida chapter 1 . 6/13/2010
Oh, come on, that wasn't crap! Actually, that was pretty good. I mean, you read every once and a while about Tyson's mother dying, but it's usually some cheap 'We're going to have comfort sex' type thing. It never really goes any deeper then that. I've been thinking about this kind of subject, too, how Kai doesn't have a family so apparently that's depressing, but that's still alot better then actually having a family, but it's either they died or don't bother to come and see you.

It really bugs me how whenever I read one of your fics I find that they're incredibly similar to what I think of, if not the same. Tyson's father not coming around because Tyson looks like her and Grandpa not coming to visit her because she was his daughter are exactly what I've thought of. A nice mother's day one-shot. Again, well done.
shadow.dragons.requiem chapter 1 . 2/4/2008
reading this story only makes me realise just how lucky i am to still hav my mum

loved this one-shot so sad and sweet

even CRIED!
RuneNeko chapter 1 . 7/24/2007
T.T, OMG, that was so sad. And cute. Great job!
CosmicEssence chapter 1 . 11/25/2006
The dad leaving thing is something I've thought of a possibility for awhile now, though the thoughts on Kai wasn't something i really considered strangely.

I loved that, it was saddening and deep and yet slightly uplifting and adorable. The bit when Kai discovers why their in the graveyard and when Ty jumps becasue he's been given a hug by him are priceless. Found it somewhat amusing that Kai hadn't worked out where they were going and why even when they stood in front of the cemetary lol, talk about dense :p

Did not think much to the ending though, that was its downfall. It would have been better leaving this as hinting and sweet rather than trying to get the romance and lime you put in there i.e. their kiss was baseless and stupid. The hug with Kai's final words and then leaving in companionable silence 'hand in hand' would have kept this in balance with the rest of the fic. Nothing against yaoi in fact I like tyka but it wasn't necessary & kinda spoiled this fic!
Princess Shela chapter 1 . 8/16/2006
Good Fanfic.
Tasuka-Siiachiro chapter 1 . 5/30/2006
I really likes this story and thought it was cute! xD my buds say 'I'm a freaky person'...oh wait, wrong one...well you get the ides!

Like I said Great story!

bluerosety chapter 1 . 4/22/2006
Ok... that was sad ;.;! I loved it, super job! Loved the ending. Great one-shot! _
cherry fantasy chapter 1 . 4/2/2006
I don't think that was crap, what a silly thing to say ! This was good, believe me !

It was kinda sad but also very touching, I loved it ! Great oneshot ! - I'm adding it to my Favs !
Cryysis chapter 1 . 3/29/2006
i have many things to do, but i like it none the less keep up the gd work, kay?
HazelSoul chapter 1 . 3/29/2006
*wipes eyes with tissue* That was so sad! It was really sweet though, great work!
Frozen Megami chapter 1 . 3/28/2006
aw...that was so bittersweet

Great One-Shot!
FirieGurl chapter 1 . 3/28/2006
that was pretty good they but have each other now I like the ending
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