Reviews for Journal Surprise
Decipher Philosophy chapter 3 . 3/22/2015
AAAAAAW! That's so cute! I love it!
wishfulliving89 chapter 3 . 6/28/2012
i love the story. think the ending is very sweet. very well written an funny 2. but a good story idea 2.
shadowdark-kitten chapter 3 . 1/27/2012
"Did Mokuba give you every number I own?" he asked instead.

"Far as I know."

Seto clenched his teeth. "Just because I told you that I like you does not mean that you can camp out in my hallway at night like some kind of stray to constantly annoy me."

Jounouchi grinned, resting his head against the wall near Seto's bedroom door. "That mean you're gonna let me sleep at the foot o' yer bed instead?"

xD I *KNEW* Mokuba was going to play matchmaker on his brother! Definitely the smartest character on the whole story.

Also, Kaiba, there was no use in even trying to resist the lure of the puppy at the door, begging to come in. xD

All in all, I really enjoyed this story, but since it was pretty much my favorite pairing, how could I not? In light of noticing grammar, I did notice one small word use error in the first chapter where Yami was scolding/arguing with Bakura, stating that Bakura has "fowl" language. If Bakura is communicating with birds, that is an interesting complaint (sorry, can't resist! xD), but if Yami was complaining of vulgar language than the 'w' should be a 'u' to make the word "foul".

I'd like to thank you again for sharing this story with those of us who lurk around on the internet! (Exhibit A is currently reviewing...)

I look forward to more of your writing!

-dark kitten
shadowdark-kitten chapter 2 . 1/27/2012
Bwah, I love Bakura in this. He likes to think he's in charge of his relationship (so to speak) with Ryou, but he. Is. So. WRONG. Ryou completely has Bakura wrapped around his little finger and I love it. xD


The same can be said of Seto to Mokuba, of course, with Seto being absolutely wrapped around Mokuba's finger.

Looking forward to more of the story!

-dark kitten
shadowdark-kitten chapter 1 . 1/27/2012
Already pretty sure this is going to be one of my favorite YGO stories from you~ Mokuba conspiring with Yugi against his brother! YES. I have a hunch that he'll play cupid and matchmaker with Yugi for his brother and Jounouchi!

Looking forward to continuing to the next chapter!

-dark kitten
dancing elf chapter 3 . 9/26/2011
very entertaining
Short-Anime-Lover chapter 3 . 3/10/2011
Awe, it was cute and soo funny!
Lace Kyoko chapter 3 . 1/18/2009
Aww, the ending was so cute. I like how Bakura "is nice to cats." and how Marik says kittens remind him of Ryou. That was funny. Very nice. I liked it lots! :D
PancakeLake chapter 3 . 6/23/2008
This fic is freaking ADORABLE, ORIGINAL, AWESOME, and whatever other adjectives that fall under the category of .

I really love the idea of all of them writing in Journals.

And the ending was so cute. (Although I'm pretty sure I could twist it to a more pervy ending, now that I think about it.) But of course, that's not what you were going for and it is excellent.

from-eroica-with-love chapter 3 . 3/21/2007
this rocks i love it! MSMx
Darkling221 chapter 1 . 12/18/2006
haha ilove how Yami says that at the end! the whole thing is really funny!
CucumberKun chapter 3 . 10/13/2006
wah that fic was so amusing! XD awesome job! I had a lot of fun reading all those journals

I loved the malik/marik/bakura/ryou ones XD
AiJaeDida chapter 3 . 7/25/2006
Arcer chapter 3 . 5/14/2006
I'm sorry it's taking me so long to review nowadays, but I hope you still count on me reviewing at one point or another. _;; I've read the story before, but it's still SO sweet and hysterical and I love it so much. One of the first that made me fall in love with your writing. Keep it up!

bluerosety chapter 3 . 4/24/2006
That was great! But is it over? Anyways, great job! _
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