Reviews for redefining honor
Daniel T Stack chapter 10 . 5/9/2019
the time skip time is desperately needed. Without it and some more expansion on the gold digger side of things before getting to Jade I fear this story will never be continued. I like the setup but need more of the events of the story to get some screen time.

You didn't even have Ranma meet the were cheeta father of her adopted daughter, missed oppertunity,

Daniel Thomas Stack
Aka Spokavriel at yahoo.
Daniel T Stack chapter 9 . 5/8/2019
You really need at least one more chapter between this one and Chapter 8 to decompress the information dump at the start of this chapter. Pretty much everything you have there before the fight really would be better shown more than told.

The time jump robs the characters of seeing the events you describe letting the growth happen and letting us learn more about the Relationships. Especially Yuna's her character is so barely developed.

As you can probably guess I want you to be alright and find time to please come back to this story and I feel this gap is a great place for you to be able to get back into the groove of it before continuing it.
Daniel Thomas Stack
AKA Spokavriel at yahoo.
1Billy-234 chapter 10 . 6/28/2015
do you have anymore for this story it is good and i would like to read more
Guest chapter 10 . 4/13/2015
The whole story has me going l.m.f.a.o. So please write more chapters.
shugokage chapter 10 . 10/6/2013
I am quite sad that such an interesting story is incomplete but good job!
Chaos chapter 10 . 9/4/2012
We want UPDATES (clap clap clapaclap) We want UPDATES (clap clap clapaclap) We want UPDATES (clap clap clapaclap) We want UPDATES (clap clap clapaclap) We want UPDATES (clap clap clapaclap) We want UPDATES (clap clap clapaclap) We want UPDATES (clap clap clapaclap)
Ranmaleopard chapter 1 . 11/29/2011
this is really awesome i cant wait to see what happens next please continue!
Raynze76 chapter 10 . 6/14/2011
great story wish it could have been finished
alichi chapter 10 . 3/15/2011
Please do continue writing this story, love it so far.
SDGX chapter 10 . 2/23/2008
Hmm, I see. Well, you should update this sometime in the close future man, I want to see what happens, ja ne.
Questara chapter 10 . 10/16/2007
Here's hoping that this story isn't dead, that it's just sleeping.
Vilkath chapter 10 . 4/13/2007
Not bad, to bad you stopped this fic before it really went any where. While the idea is pretty sound, this fic could use a small rewrite. Basicaly major events are a little forced, huge changes in character with little ot no reason for the change. I am not the OOC police like some reviewers but I still like the time spent to make the changes believable. Ranma in this fic has gone threw some huge changes, which are mostly glossed over as brief after thoughts. I hope you continue this, the fic was just starting to get to the gold digger part, and I was looking forward to his relatinoship with Shelia. It seemed to have a pretty strong base of her being an unusual werecat, something he could relate to.
Drifter950 chapter 10 . 2/7/2007
This the second that I have seen that has Ranma adopting a Werecheeta child.

The first is:Love of a Cheetah

Ryan Slicer

The second is yours.

Each starts with Ranma befriending people of the Werecheeta clan, gaining some controll of his curse, and then excepting the child with the death of the mother.

Then each goes its own way beyond that. I find yours unique in every way and well worth the read. I look forward to seeing where you go from here.

Especally when Ranma makes it to the Diggers and Collonge explains Shampoo's Diplomatic Boo-Boo with the giants. And the required actions to recover their Honor.

Again, thanks for the good read.

may the MUSE be with you!
Lerris chapter 10 . 1/19/2007
I'm definitely curious as to where this goes. I suppose another plot whole that I'm not too sure about, is it seems that Ranma may have had the chance to kill his attackers in the earlier fights, but didn't. Given that they were after his family with lethal force, I'm a bit surprised. The current direction looks good thought, although I'm not sure that dragging out the hunt for Ranma and such helps the plot along too much. I confess to also being a bit surprised at Nabiki's apparent disinterest in Ranma romantically... Good luck with this..
Lerris chapter 9 . 1/19/2007
It was pretty good so far, although I did read it rather fast. The things that stuck out are you may want to watch continuity a bit closer. There were little things, but perhaps the biggest was it almost seemed jarring the way ranma suddenly was able to cast jusenkyo curses. All in all, I think a revision could really tighten this story up and make it even better. I would definitely get rid of all of the inline author's comments. If something is truly needed it can be written as part of the story. I had thought this was the last chapter written, but I see I have one more that I'll get to later.

Oh, and one minor plot hole. Ranma knows of a universal cure. The moss from the Orochi. While it is not to say that it would definitely work, but it is surprising that he didn't at least consider it.
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