Reviews for Prophecy of Love
paosu chapter 7 . 11/13/2016
I love all your stories, even if naruto ended I Will be shikaino fan and my favorite is Ino.
I love your story, SasuIno is so beautiful, I Know That probably you won't read this since your Last update was 2011, but I read your stories and they are deep, original, Well written and your talent is owesome.
the only bad thing I can find is That sometimes you can't see the talent and perfection of your work. hope That after these years you could find the inspiration to continue with stories and keep improving your talent.
kisses and hugs!
ME chapter 1 . 10/4/2011
this is more shikatema then sasuino i mean seriousely ( N IF U REMOVE THIS U WILL PROVE THT U CANT TAKE CONSTRUCTIVE CRITIZISM)
Anniiee chapter 7 . 1/8/2011
Hey! Good story. . . I really like sasuinogaa pairing. Although you didn't put gaara here, but I like it. I'm glad you didn't put sakura will end up with sasuke.

Good job!
lexahae25 chapter 7 . 4/18/2010
i love it...even doe she was miserable all the time
ForeverFighter chapter 1 . 9/26/2009
Liked it ... Hate the pairing though.
via-loves-tyson chapter 7 . 8/27/2009
absolutely awesome i love it:)) feel in-love just by reading this...
fruitpunch123451 chapter 6 . 1/6/2008
good story if you have writers block because the next chapters

the end than you could just write a quick thing about ino waking

up sasuke telling her how he feels and then a timeskip for when they are married or there kid became the hokage or both you could also do something different its up to you anyway i hope this helped update soon XD
HikariYamino chapter 7 . 12/4/2007
This is such a sweet fanfic!*sniff*
nazzy and jerkez chapter 1 . 3/6/2007
Uh, the ShikaIno part was really sad. OhMiGosh, i almost started crying.

And,i don't like SasuIno. Sorry.

But your writing is great!

Love /nazaliasan
dish-washing for dummies chapter 7 . 11/6/2006
hey, nice story. wanted you to know that i liked it; it made me laugh, smile, grin, all that good stuff. i liked the epilogue as well, with uchiha shikamaru thinking/saying [As for the young boy, he didn’t ponder what love he felt for Ino. Too troublesome. He just loved her for being his mother and always being by his side.] uber cute. xD the fact that he has the same tendencies as nara is so adorable and uchiha shika saying "too troublesome", it's-aw. just 'aw'. loved that part.

xD keep up the sasuke x ino goodness.
Ai-Kusabana chapter 7 . 9/11/2006
Hi there! This is a great fic! I cried in Chapter 1 cause it so sad and the part about the letter and then Ino suffering and of course the reincarnation of Shikamaru! So sad yet such a happy ending! Hope you'll make another one! Thanks!
Nobody10 chapter 7 . 8/25/2006
Are you brain damaged? Did you hit your head on a rock recently? What is al lthis crap about your writing being bad?

Your writing is absolutely... what's the word...? AWESOME!

You're definitely one of the best fanfiction writers I've found so far.

Finding a good SasukexIno story is very hard, and as I was browsing through your profile, I found out that this story was a SasuIno, and instantly went to read it.

I don't know how, but you somehow made SasuIno work. (Most SasuIno writers can't make it "work", you know?)

I was on the verge of tears with the part of Ino apologizing to Shikamaru. And just as I was about to cry, you suddenly surprised me with Ino being joyful-ish, which made me smile.

All in all, I adore this fic. I adore most of your writing. (I'm still reading some of them, but I imagine I'll adore them once I finish reading.)

I know it's asking you to do a lot (you probably have better things to do), but can you possibly make another SasukexIno fic? Good ones are so hard to find, and you seem to have a knack for characterizing Ino. (And now I know you can characterize Sasuke well, too!)

Good job. I praise you. And naming their son "Shikamaru" just made me smile this huge cheesy grin. I take that back, I don't praise you. I applaud you greatly.
princess cagalli chapter 1 . 7/28/2006
Agh, i love this! GO SASUINO!
asianchick44 chapter 7 . 7/8/2006
That was a cute story. I liked it a lot. Great job! D
MisSs005 chapter 7 . 6/30/2006
Heyz'! Wow. I'm really impressed by your story. I think it's nice for a change that Ino gets Sasuke instead of Sakura. Nice fic, but like you've already said, it was a bit of a pity that you ended it the way you did. Dun' get me wrong, it wasn't that bad, it just could've been better.
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