Reviews for Bond DVD Extras
Yellowred chapter 7 . 5/6/2017
I read Bond in Portuguese years ago and I just done it again. It's the same feeling: I loved it. Congratulations and THANK YOU. You're amazing. I wish I could express better how much I enjoyed it. It's perfect!
weit chapter 7 . 12/10/2016
I actually cried when I see the emotional side of Lucius, not just tearing up, I mean... It is so sad their beliefs had differed and they had to break apart. Oh how I wish he and Draco could go without not sharing a last name and not seeing each other ever again... Plus the fact that I like the name Draco Malfoy far better than Draco Black...
reved-evasion chapter 7 . 8/31/2016
Thanks for this bonus, Bond is really one of my favorites drarry I have read the french version but I wanted more and when I saw this bonus I was do glad !
jessamagic chapter 7 . 4/11/2016
I love this so much. The whole story, all the thought that's gone into it and just the pure writing talent; I'm in awe to say the least. I know it's several years since you wrote this but please, if you've ever even thought about doing a sequel you should. Screw fanfiction, I'd buy the book.
Isabell3 chapter 7 . 4/8/2016
this was great
Thank you chapter 1 . 3/21/2016
I want to say, I am a reader from China. I read the translation version of Bond three years ago, this is my favourite fanfiction of Drarry till now. I love it! I love Harry and Draco and their relaitionship! Thank you! Thank you for write such a beautiful story!
wordhoarder24 chapter 7 . 12/27/2015
When he spun Draco round and round because that made him happy.
How can people love and still manage to do so much wrong. I loved Bond but this last extra here touched me the most.
Guest chapter 7 . 10/20/2015
I love love love the last one! Lucius' POV and the little interaction with Narcissa? Amazing!
sereneione chapter 4 . 9/11/2015
I'm a teeny bit uncomfortable that Harry seemed uncomfortable when Draco said he loved Harry during his babble. Otherwise, I really like this. Yay to more details!
sereneione chapter 1 . 9/11/2015
Like you, I have also watched all twelve hundred hours of extra bits on the LOTR DVD set. So I really appreciate all of these details. Thank you.
SNlois chapter 7 . 2/2/2014
oh my fucking god NARCISSA! O.o my mind has been officially haha okay dirty mind aside. effin' hell Narcissa you rock! oh my god now I have this absolutely undying need to see the "5days of pain" from LuciusPOV or NArcissaPOV cuz I just know she did something..oh ha hexing Lucius with a unforgivable would be an absolute bliss haha :D hey, one can dream right? :D but still, hell I'd really love to read that oh -_-

Really, thank you for this FF, Bond has been one of my first HPxDM fics and I kinda love it can't wait to search for other yuminess in HPDM world :) I did not comment before as I was reading it real time for a breather ya know, not when there's HPDM bitchytouchyfeely action going on :*

thank you
and good luck in your life :))
oh, only one thing, I really wanted to see the saving trick during the last Quidditch match between Gryffindor and Slytherin, the one that Harry and Draco practiced so many times in their seeker game :) ah such a shame :) but no hard feelings, just that I was waiting for the moment the boys will be so into catching the Snitch? (is it a Snitch god damn I have no idea right now :D ) that one would need saving from his spouse :)

oh and if I totally screwed up the Quidditch terms and what so ever, hah sorry, it's the first time I see it written as I have only read the books in my language so far.
bekah.james.3 chapter 5 . 1/13/2014
Well. My goodness. I definitely think this chapter would have furthered the storyline. Not only did I feel cheated out of this monumentally personal moment, but it also gave me a much better look at the progression of their love. That being said, this was AMAZING. Best first time blow job scene ever. Draco was so Draco. Harry was so VERY Harry (and earnest). I love that Harry clocked in at Expert Level on his first go. Also, I love that Draco is a moaner/ thrasher/ headboard grabber. That image is the best thing ever.
deletes chapter 6 . 10/28/2013
This was cool. It's funny that Seamus is a tad homophobic in this story when he's usually gay in most Drarries. Some very funny parts here: )
deletes chapter 5 . 10/28/2013
PWP but done well.
deletes chapter 4 . 10/28/2013
Oh wow. I effing LOVED your description of Harry doing accidental magic when he was defending Draco, and that Blaise though he was scary. So beautiful when Draco took the inhibition reducing potion.
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