Reviews for The Purifier
Sheshe0013 chapter 25 . 6/3/2017
Wow that was an intense story! Great writing
celia azul chapter 25 . 1/28/2015
I wish they could have met up in the afterlife.
The Auburn Girl chapter 25 . 10/28/2014
So I go looking through your fics again and find this one. I start reading it and yeah. Damn. That was an emotional roller coaster. Poor Enan and Anya; I really felt for both of them and their pain moved me to tears at some points. I was really happy with the ending, though, and I didn't think it was boring! The story was perfect in its pacing and character progression. In all honesty, it sort of made me think of Eol and Aredhel's tale I think because of the Zhylaw's obsession with Anya.

But holy crap now you have me worried for Caladhel's fate in 'Skin Deep'. You have a penchant for writing dramatic, horrible scenes very well, and oh god, I feel like my heart will be in the palm of your hand like it was in this story. I basically had to re-read Anya's death three times before I got it through my head that she was dead. Even though it was a terrible scene, you wrote it so well. Ugh it's like you punched me in the gut but the ending made it bittersweet so that made me feel better.
Citizen-of-Nightvale chapter 25 . 6/28/2013
B.E. !
Sesshomaru's Babydoll chapter 25 . 11/6/2010
Oh god, so sad. A wonderful story but so sad. Thank you for writing this. It was a pleasure to read even if I felt like crying more than once. Also, i like how you ended it. The story came full circle. Again, thank you for sharing Anya and Enan's story.
Moiranna chapter 25 . 1/10/2010
I-I-I... wow. Really, wow. At first when I read the summary I was doubtful about the story's content, but boy was I proven wrong. The first three stanzas had me captured. You write beautifully. This was a truly captivating story, and I really felt for Anya and Enan.

Thank you for writing this.
moonshadow09 chapter 1 . 7/28/2008

i just got through reading your story and it is absolutely amazing! i've been looking for a fanfic w/ the purifier for so long and then i found this :) this just lit up my day and made me so unbelivably sad at the same time.

absolutely amazing..i'm still in total shock 0.o
FitMama chapter 26 . 4/18/2008
I have to admit that usually I don't care for non-Riddick stories, but you wrote such a compelling plot, I couldn't resist. It was a fantastic story.
Nin chapter 25 . 8/27/2007
I just want to say that I like this story very very much. I was delighted with every chapter and didn't want to reach at the end, but, everything has a begging then so, an end.

The portraits of the characters are very well done, and you can say that when reading your story you feel like you have been there too. Thank you and I hope that you continue writing like this. Also would like to have more Purifier's stories please!
SheWhoIsLost chapter 25 . 6/15/2007
Loved it.

Wish it could have went better for Anya.

It's very sad... I am near tears, honestly.
chesterzerousygirl chapter 25 . 9/25/2006
Ok, here's how I see it.

1)You should soo make another Purifier romance

2)That was too Frigg'n awsome for my own good

3)That story got me soo hooked that now I'm going to "HAVE" to see every movie that Linus Roache "the Purifier" ever played in.

4)I'm going to scream my head off out of joy if you do make another one.

5)Please don't make me beg, it's soo pethetic of me.. Or I will just have to write my own.
DiogenesPaperCrown chapter 25 . 8/3/2006
Wow. That was rough. Really, rough. But you did an amazing job with it. You go! I wouldn't be surprised if you were a published author. Huzzah to you!

Spaugs chapter 25 . 6/25/2006
MY GOD! That was wonderful! The entire story was well written beginning to end, it was great, I can't wait to read another of your stories.
FitMama chapter 25 . 6/25/2006
This was a fantastic story. Hope you write more Pitch Black/COR fics.
Marilena chapter 25 . 6/25/2006
I loved this story from the beginning to the end! Great work on the characters, very touching situations and a very real and lovely Purifier..! What more can I say? :-)
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