Reviews for Tomorrow Comes
Ghsaogstoubau761 chapter 35 . 3/17/2008
I understand if you want to take a break from writing for a while, but I'd like to express my love for this fic.

I can honestly say that this is one of the best AngelxCollins fics I've ever read, if not THE best. This, just showing a whole new side of Collins and Angel, it's all believable. It's not like some other people try to write fics with scenes such as these and make them sound unconvincing and fake. Collins raping Angel, Angel shooting Collins, Angel's refusal to Collins's proposal; it's all so real and heart breaking. I seriously have read part of this story, and then deleted the history on my computer in hopes that I will forget all about this fic and not get my heart broken ever again by this story.

But I always come back.

And now I've finally decided to write out a review for this wonderful, powerful story in hopes that you will continue this story for the remaining five chapters, even if you do leave it a bit unfinished.

*to faves and alerts*
TheFriskyHam chapter 35 . 12/17/2007
I just read this whole story in 24 hours, and I'm not going to be okay until it's finished! PLEASE finish! I don't know why, but I love this story. AU stuff isn't exactly my thing...but I LOVE THIS STORY! update! it's been almost a year!
there's no one here chapter 35 . 6/25/2007

Oh my god! It can't just end! What the hell Angel? finish! Please? I'll pay you a millilon dollars! Anthing you want!
there's no one here chapter 34 . 6/25/2007

oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my gdo..1.1.
there's no one here chapter 32 . 6/25/2007
Oh wow...when Angel said "Look what I've done!" I started crying...not that I wasn't freakin' crying already but still! ;)
there's no one here chapter 23 . 6/25/2007
Please, I beg you: Don't take any of these words seriously, I need to vent!

GAH! How could you be such a terrible person! Hmm! Angel? Collins? GAAH! David...OH DAVID! I'd kill the bastard if he wasn't already dead! You...YOU ALMOST KILLED COLLINS!

Alright I'm terrible sorry, don't take any of that seriously I swear.
there's no one here chapter 20 . 6/25/2007

I'm sorry I don't mean that, I just get incredibly into these kinds of things...

there's no one here chapter 18 . 6/25/2007
Whoa whoa whoa why the F-CK would Angel just up and shoot Collins?
there's no one here chapter 16 . 6/25/2007
WHOA SHOLY HIT! WTF? -is wtfing- (Maybe you read the fic that I got that from? "Do My Laundry" that was funny) But what they hell Collins! I was screaming at him when I was reading this. And I'm watching Law and Order so I turned to my television and it helped to actually see him and yell at him. ;)
there's no one here chapter 13 . 6/25/2007
Collins you stupid idiot! Oh god you moron!
JustTamm chapter 35 . 1/11/2007
This is just so heartbreakingly devastating right now. I want to cry right now seriously. I want to know what gonna happen to Angel when she finds out about Collins. Please update soon.
Spuffy57 chapter 35 . 1/11/2007
omgsh! please tell me that was a dream! Don't let Collins die...i thought things would be fixed between them. And poor Angel!
ickle-s-10 chapter 35 . 1/11/2007
wow, that was so nice of angel...xD but still very angel-esque too.

mimi and roger are getting married! woo!
jesuisl0ser chapter 35 . 1/11/2007
He's...dead? *denial!emoness* Wow. This is ridiculously depressing *goes to emo corner*.

Update soon
MovieBuffStarlet chapter 34 . 11/29/2006
This has got to be one of the best stories I've ever read in a long time.
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